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Harmony 700 - order of soft buttons on remote doesn't match SW
This thread has 24 replies. Displaying posts 1 through 15.
Post 1 made on Friday March 19, 2010 at 22:16
Long Time Member
January 2007
I'm sorry to keep bugging you guys, but I have 2 odd, but probably related problems....

1) For one of my devices (AV Receiver), the order of commands on the soft buttons is sort of "locked". If I change the order in the SW and download, it doesn't change. I even deleted ALL the soft buttons, updated the remote, saw there were no soft buttons defined, carefully re-entered the soft-button setup in the right order in the SW, downloaded to the remote, and... the buttons were there again, but in the old, wrong, order. Somehow the location of each soft button, if programmed, is pre-ordained now.

2) I'm trying to change the order that the activities show up on the screen.

My Harmony 7.7.0 local software does not have an option for changing the order, however, when I access the interface on their website there is such an option.

Changing the order on the website, and then updating the remote from the website, sometimes changes the order on the remote, but sometimes it doesn't, and when it does change the order, it's not the same order that i entered. I have 3 activities, and the one I care the least about (listen to music) will NOT be moved to the 2nd screen.

Does anyone have a clue what's going on? I'm ready to chuck the silly thing.

Thanks VERY Much!

Last edited by jeffw_00 on March 20, 2010 14:15.
OP | Post 2 made on Sunday March 21, 2010 at 15:44
Long Time Member
January 2007
I've filed a service ticket - we'll see if they can fix it.
Post 3 made on Monday March 22, 2010 at 09:43
Super Member
March 2004
On #1 I thought the device commands were always alphabetical but I'm not 100% sure.

On #2 - there should be a global option in the software for setting the activity order.
OP | Post 4 made on Monday March 22, 2010 at 10:07
Long Time Member
January 2007
On #1 - The GUI for the soft commands is organized by page, 4 per page, and they usually go (in order) topL, topR, bottomL, bottomR. However, for this particular device, they seem galvanized to a particular random order that crosses pages (i.e., I put a command on page 1, it shows up on page 3, etc). Really weird.

On #2: There is an option, only in the web-based software, but again it doesn't work right. There are 6 possible combinations of 3 items. I've tried all 6, but they map to only 3 different combos on the remote.

I feel like this is related somehow, like there's something in my remote preventing proper updating - hopefully they'll figure it out.

I'm just curious if anyone else has experienced anything similar. Thanks for your thoughts
Post 5 made on Monday March 22, 2010 at 10:49
Super Member
March 2004
For #1 - are you sure they're not being rearranged in alphabetical order?

On the activity order - if you only have 3 activities then can't you use the 3 dedicated activity buttons? You shouldn't need to use the More activities button at all.
OP | Post 6 made on Monday March 22, 2010 at 12:54
Long Time Member
January 2007
#1 - yes, the random order is not at all alphabetical.

#2 - yes, - can use the activity buttons. This is a tiny, tiny issue, but shouldn't it work right 8-}
Post 7 made on Monday March 22, 2010 at 12:59
Super Member
March 2004
It's possible the 700 just doesn't allow activity ordering. This is one area where I don't understand logitech's logic of not allowing it on all remotes since the software is the same. Try asking over on the logitech forums.
OP | Post 8 made on Monday March 22, 2010 at 13:30
Long Time Member
January 2007
Akirby - it does allow it, there is an option for it on the web interface, and using the option does re-order the activities on the screen. Just not in the same order (at least for me) that I'm requesting. Again, it's a tiny issue.
OP | Post 9 made on Monday March 22, 2010 at 20:47
Long Time Member
January 2007
to anyone else with these problems - I spoke to 2nd tier support this evening:

#1: They can see from their end that the order I requested is different than the order they're loading - a bug in their SW (or corruption in my personal Database, or something) - escalating further.

#2: On this remote, not supposed to be able to re-order activities. Activities that don't have dedicated buttons flow to the top of the order, so if they -all- have dedicated buttons, results are random. The web interface (where I found the 're-order activities' feature) is -obsolete- and shouldn't be used.

will keep you posted
Post 10 made on Monday March 22, 2010 at 21:12
Super Member
March 2004
Sorry - I thought you knew the web interface was old and no longer supported.
OP | Post 11 made on Tuesday March 23, 2010 at 09:27
Long Time Member
January 2007
Is ok. But get this reply I got from "2nd level support"

"I am sending you an email in regards to the issue you were experiencing in customizing buttons for your AV Receiver. After some testing on my end, it appears the software is customizing the power and input commands first before customizing the rest of the commands you entered. At this time, unfortunately there is no workaround for this issue: as such, we appreciate your patience while we work to improve the customer experience at Harmony.. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you."

I'm getting less and less impressed all the time 8-{
Post 12 made on Tuesday March 23, 2010 at 09:41
Super Member
March 2004
It's a tradeoff - for people who don't do much customizing they're trying to automatically place the most frequently used commands at the top. Probably works for 98% of the users.

It would be nice to give power users the ability to override these automatic decisions. They've done it in certain places on certain remotes but not everywhere. And yes it can be somewhat frustrating, especially when you're a former software developer and you know how to design it that way from the beginning.....
OP | Post 13 made on Tuesday March 23, 2010 at 11:04
Long Time Member
January 2007
Or when they're wrong - I want my power and input buttons to come first. However, it moves the PowerOff from where I put it (page 1 #2) to page 3 #3 -
I'm not done with them yet 8-}
Post 14 made on Tuesday March 23, 2010 at 13:52
Super Member
March 2004
Well - what's wrong for you is right for someone else. There is no one perfect solution. Which is why they should allow it to be customized.
OP | Post 15 made on Tuesday March 23, 2010 at 18:05
Long Time Member
January 2007
Well - that's not quite what I meant - I arranged my buttons with power first, then music mode, then inputs. If it re-arranged it to power buttons, then inputs, then other - that's ok. but it jumbled the inputs and power randomly - I can't believe that's what they intended the SW to do.
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