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Programming Questions for the Harmony One
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Post 1 made on Thursday September 18, 2008 at 14:45
Founding Member
January 2002
I just picked up the remote and am very happy with it! I have a couple questions:

1) How do I have the power command for my projector execute twice to turn it off? I have to hit power twice on this device and it does not work yet for my projector.

2) I have a projector and a tv in the same room. If I just want to watch tv and not the projector I hit Watch TV. If I want to watch the projector I hit watch TV - projector. Everything works fine with this except when I am using the projector and want to also watch the tv (I know, I know).. :-) The default setting is to turn off everything when I hit watch TV. Is there a way to have the devices stay in their current state (off or on) when I press an activity? That way IF the projector is on it would stay on and if it was off it would stay off. Discrete on/offs would work which I used to have with my pronto.

3) When I press the volume for my pre-amp it is like I am holding down the volume button longer than I am. What setting would adjust that?

Post 2 made on Thursday September 18, 2008 at 15:52
Super Member
March 2004
1) If it's 2 quick button presses you could learn them in raw mode as one command. Support might be able to configure it for you also. Another option is to put the commands at the projector activity exit.

2) check the "leave unused devices on" option for that activity and it won't turn anything off.

3) troubleshooting - device responds too much.
Post 3 made on Thursday September 18, 2008 at 16:06
Super Member
March 2004
1) In the device power settings, select the discrete method "A button on the remote for On, and a different button for Off" (instead of the One button for both option), then for the Power Off function, select "My device needs more than one command to turn it off". Note: You device may support the discrete PowerOn and PowerOff commands. Test them in device mode.

2) Select "Leave unused device on" in the Activity Change Options - non selective method
or add the desired device(s) in the desired activity(ies) - selective method.
Note: To add a device to an activity, review the activity and select "Yes, but I want to add more control of options and devices for this Activity".

3) Try reducing the "number of repeats" (now nameless) under Device > Troubleshoot > Device responds to some commands either too many times or only occasionally.

Last edited by jlet on September 18, 2008 16:39.
H659, H680, SA8300HD, TH-50PZ850, AVR-X4000
OP | Post 4 made on Thursday September 18, 2008 at 16:58
Founding Member
January 2002
Thank you both very much!
Post 5 made on Thursday September 18, 2008 at 19:10
Long Time Member
February 2008
Good to hear you like the One so much.
The price of lamps convinces me that turning the projector off safely is the one thing that's better done manually than being trusted to the Harmony!
I'd incline to having 3 WatchTV Activities, one with the TV, one with the projector, one with both.
1 or 2 is usually the best option for the number of "repeats".

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