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Post 1 made on Sunday February 9, 2003 at 03:02
Long Time Member
February 2003
I attempted to make a change to the XML configuration on my Panasonic TV PT53WX52, because the InputNext is set in the TV to skip the unused inputs. I used the XML "comment" <!--Video3--> etc.. to leave the input in the config, but not read them. Does anyone know if this is the correct "comment". I'm now getting an error that the TV is not set up correctly, and I can't get back into the Modify XML for the TV device at the Harmony website. I'm being sent to an "Unxepected" site. If this is not the correct comment, what is. Maybe I'm just better off deleting the Values for the inputs not being used.
Any comment?
Post 2 made on Monday February 10, 2003 at 02:25
Founding Member
February 2002
I've contacted Harmony Support Team about XML comments. Here's their answer (received Nov 2002):

Currently the Harmony application does not support XML comments. An enhancement request has been logged for this but I do not know yet when this will be released. I have logged your enquiry and we will contact you again once this is available.

If You can't get into Your XML again, either contact Harmony Support Team or delete and recreate Your activity.
Post 3 made on Wednesday February 12, 2003 at 01:10
Long Time Member
January 2003
xandypx, I'm a little curious about your setup.

Is your remote working correctly in setting the TV to the correct input based on the activity you are invoking?

If it is, then InputNext should just cycle though your active inputs on the TV, and jump over the ones you have requested to skip in your TV menus. You should not have to change the XML code for this to work.
OP | Post 4 made on Wednesday February 12, 2003 at 21:01
Long Time Member
February 2003
Here is the problem, and the official solution. Because I have some inputs diabled on the TV, the XML cycles through the IRNextInput command, and sends as many signals that it needs to cycle through all seven inputs shown in the XML. The easy way to fix this was to delete the inputs from the XML config for the TV leaving only Antenna, Component 1, Video1, and Video 4.(The Inputs I use). What I had wanted to do with the comment line was to show Component 2, Video 2, and Video3, but comment them out. If the Harmony thinks it needs to switch from Component 1 to Video 4, it will send 5 IRPressAction "Input" commands to the TV when the TV only requires 2 IR commands. This causes the TV to incorrectly switch inputs between activities.
Harmony Customer service sent me the following information today for using a comment in the Harmony XML.
Please try the tags:
[DESCRIPTION]This is a comment[/DESCRIPTION] to make a section or line a comment. The actual tag uses the < and > signs, but I was unable to post using the correct symbols. The XML of this forum picks up the text as code.
OP | Post 5 made on Saturday February 15, 2003 at 10:45
Long Time Member
February 2003
On 02/12/03 21:01, xandypx said...
| Harmony Customer service sent me the following
information today for using a comment in the Harmony
Please try the tags:

Well for informational purposes, this "comment" doesn't work in the config files, but I did notice that in the new firmware update yesterday that Harmony Programers have begun to use comments. The tag they use is the "<!-- " tag. With the closing "-->". What they use though is a space before the comment after the last dash in the opening of the tag. Athough this is supposed to be a no no in XML, it works.

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