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Automatic Volume Level Setting by Input?
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Post 1 made on Wednesday January 29, 2003 at 12:15
Lurking Member
January 2003
I'm new to the message board, and just got my 768 last week.

Every time I switch inputs on my receiver (Rotel 1065), I have to change the volume by fairly substantial amounts. At the same volume setting on the receiver, the radio tuner is very loud, the cable box is relatively soft, etc.

Is there a way I can automatically change the volume to a preset level as I change activities? Ideally, I'd like to send a discrete code to tell the receiver to set the volume equal to a specific level. Alternatively, can I set a state variable to keep track of the volume and send a stream of volume up/volume down signals as necessary based on the state and the input?
Post 2 made on Monday February 3, 2003 at 00:19
Long Time Member
January 2003
jklein8708, no one else has jumped in on this, so I'll give it a try. First of all, it seems that all of your inputs into the receiver are not balanced. Your tuner, though, should be at the correct level, since it is internal to the receiver. Your cable box likely does not have a line out feature, and your receiver likely doesn't have a variable line in for the input you used from the cable box. Is it possible to adjust the line level from each of your audio inputs on the Rotel? If so, that would be the place to adjust your volume levels correctly.

Page 16 of the RSX-1065 manual (from Rotel's website) talks about setting the speaker levels, and that they revert back to their original settings when you switch inputs. Could this be what is happening to you?

As for switching to a specific volume level for each activity (for example, volume = 10 when you switch to Watch DVD, or volume = 25 when you switch to Listen to CDs), the Harmony can do this. From a quick read through your manual, though, the Rotel volume control cannot be accessed in this manner.

To other Harmony Nuts, here is the Rotel manual. Perhaps you'll be able to offer words of wisdom to jklein8708.

Post 3 made on Thursday February 20, 2003 at 23:24
Lurking Member
February 2003
I believe your Cable box has a volume setting that is variable. Some models can be set to a fixed output through the setup menu's on the Cable box themselves. If your cable box does not have this ability you will need to crank the volume all the way up and leave the receiver on at all times. I have noticed the most Cable boxes that does not have the ability to switch from variable to a fixed output, will defalt back to a volume setting about halfway when unit is powered down. Hope this helps
Post 4 made on Sunday February 23, 2003 at 22:00
Long Time Member
February 2003
Have you tried creating an internal state variable (named SourceVolumeLevel?) that has two states (Soft and Loud?). You could set up the transitions between the two states to send either 5 Volume Ups (Loud -> Soft), or 5 Volume Downs (Soft -> Loud). This means that for each activity, you could then add a new starting action. For example, on the Radio activity you would have 'SetSourceVolumeLevel Loud', but for the TV activity you would have 'SetSourceVolumeLevel Soft'. This way the Harmony would be smart about only sending the volume presses when you change between loud and soft activities.

Make sense?

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