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Redesigning an Activity
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Post 1 made on Saturday January 25, 2003 at 16:13
Founding Member
December 2001
I have an activity (TiVo Television.) I would like to adjust the the menus and the buttons to tweak the setup for my own needs. That means re-mapping buttons on each mode, and for all modes. It also means having buttons change modes and back again. An example of the latter would be the Guide button changing the mode to navigate mode, then after a show is selected it would return to another mode.

The questions I have are basically these:

1. How do I tell what modes there are in any given activity?

2. How do I have a button do something, then change modes on the current device?

I have done several searches, but there is very little current on these issues (at least that I could find.) Any help would be great, the documentation at Harmony is not as cool as I thought it would be, but I am still plugging away at it.

Thanks in advance everyone.
Post 2 made on Monday January 27, 2003 at 10:33
Long Time Member
June 2002
1. Each screen is basically a mode. For something like Tivo there probably should be Navigate Mode, Play Mode, Control Mode and then some modes you can turn on/off, like Favorite Channel Mode.

2. If you want to change to a different mode, you can specify a different target in XML. To send a command, there's SsInfrared and to change a mode, there's SsNavigate .
Post 3 made on Tuesday January 28, 2003 at 07:37
Founding Member
February 2002
ruexp67, I guess You've found your answers? If not, repost a question and I'll try to give an example. In my setup I've done a lot of XML modifications in most of my activities.

Examples of what I've done:
1) Re-mapped the side-button (MenuCancel) so it do not cycle through the modes. I still use the side-button to exit a menu (mode), but several pushes on the side-button just take me to a "top-menu" (Like a mobile telephone). My "top-menu" in Watch Television is the "All Channels" screen, my "top-menu" in Play a DVD is the "Play mode" screen.

2) In Norway, the ZAP-button is for no use. I've re-mapped the ZAP-button to cycle through some modes/menues as the original side-button (MenuCancel) did. In this cycle I've also inserted my own menues. Example: In my "Watch television" activity the ZAP-button cycle through "All channels" -> "My own navigate menu" -> "Mode control" -> back to "All channels" again.

3) In my "Watch television" activity I've re-mapped the Guide in all menues/modes in the activity (global re-mapping). My Guide button send the TeletextOn to my television and then open my own Teletext menu at my Harmony. Inside this menu, I've re-mapped the Guide-button to send TeletextOff to my television and then open the original "All channels" mode.

OP | Post 4 made on Tuesday January 28, 2003 at 23:43
Founding Member
December 2001
I no longer have any specific questions, I think I finally am on the right track. Thanks for the offer of help. I will probably need to take you up on it in the future.

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