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BD audio issue
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Post 1 made on Tuesday September 22, 2009 at 09:02
Long Time Member
January 2007
Hello all. I have a samsung 3600. i have it connected via an optical cable to a marantz 5003 and an HDMI to my TV. I have the bd audio set to bitstream (audiophile). I have audio however the problem is that all dialouge seems to have an echo to it. I have played with the marantz settings which is currently auto. My reviever shows DTS dolby. It is quite frustrating. I am not sure if i runn the video as well as audio via an HDMI through my reciever will solve this issue. can anyone guide me in the direction of solving this? Thank you
Post 2 made on Tuesday September 22, 2009 at 21:51
Ultimate Member
May 2001
I would go with HDMI to receiver, I don't know the BD player you have, but you can't bitstream over optical and optical can pass 5.1 DTS, 5.1 DD and 2 LPCM, it can't pass higher then 2 channel lossless and can't pass in the original form DTS HD MA or DTHD
Post 3 made on Tuesday September 22, 2009 at 23:34
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
Are the TV's speakers maybe playing audio at the same time? Or perhaps you have the receiver on some sort of sound field (like stadium)? I can't think of much else that would cause echos in a digital signal.
Post 4 made on Thursday September 24, 2009 at 18:49
Lurking Member
September 2009
Anthony is right.. connect the 3600 to your receiver via HDMI and change the audio settings from bitstream (audiophile) to PCM. This will enable the lossless soundtracks to be sent to receiver, giving a much much better sound and experience. That player has the analog audio outputs so you could also connect the to the receiver that way with pretty much the same result.

I'd recommend the analog audio cable route only if you receiver isn't capable of outputting a 1080p video signal to the tv.

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