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Discrete Power ON for Sony KD-32W830K
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Post 1 made on Wednesday November 9, 2022 at 09:45
Junior Member
November 2022
I have two new Sony TV's going in a bar/restaraunt. I am using a URC remote, and cannot get any of the standard power ON codes to turn ON these tv's. Anyone know if there are changes to these TV's that require different discrete code or settings changes? I can power it on with NETFLIX or PRIME, but once the TV is off for a few minutes the normal discrete on commands no longer function. All other commands seem fine.
Post 2 made on Wednesday November 9, 2022 at 18:26
Super Member
May 2003
NETFLIX and PRIME probably use CEC for power.

I have no specific experience with these TV's, but some TV's will power up if sent a numeric code. This could be a pain because the TV will switch to off-air reception and you'll need to use a macro to then select the desired input.

Can you switch to IP control?

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