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Marantz pre pro discreet codes
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Post 1 made on Sunday September 26, 2021 at 11:05
Junior Member
September 2021
I just got my hands on a pre-pro from Marantz, it's an av7702mkii.

It uses colored buttons (green red blue yellow). These each brings up a menu that lets you pick what sound field (like stereo, Dolby surround, auro 3d, etc) for each button. green is the movie version of these choices. red is the video game version of these choices. etc...

I'm hoping I can find decreet hex codes that I can drop into my pronto software to have 1 click button for a few of these, rather than having to bring up the processors on-screen menu and picking them with the arrow keys.

I mostly want to be able to pick :

movie mode: stereo, Dolby surround, DTS neural x, auro 3d, aruo 2d, multi ch stereo, and virtual using custom "homemade" buttons assigned to these hex codes that activate these fields if possible. Mostly because Dolby vision on-screen menus and text won't get displayed when the unit is showing DV content.

I was able to successfully learn all the other codes I need from its OEM remote control.

discreet power on plus discreet power off would be nice too.

Are there any online guides or e-books on how to use the Pronto Edit software for the TSU 9600? I'm kludging my way thru it, but a guide would be most helpful.

thanks much for any help.
Post 2 made on Sunday September 26, 2021 at 13:28
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
You can find the official code list for the AV7702 here:


Everything you want should be on there. Not sure what you have and haven’t read on the Pronto Professional, but everything available is here:


Plus of course the forum on this site.
OP | Post 3 made on Monday September 27, 2021 at 09:05
Junior Member
September 2021
Thank you very much!
Most helpful indeed.
OP | Post 4 made on Wednesday October 6, 2021 at 18:51
Junior Member
September 2021
The code given for EQ on/off...

it works, but not in an effective way.

Sending the code results in the unit turning on the EQ but then turning it right back off.

if you turn it on thru the audio setup menu....

Sending the code results in the unit turning OFF the EQ then truing it right back on again.

its like the code given is running too long so the amp see's it twice? Is that even a thing? Any suggestions on how I can fix that?

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