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Can't get Select button on Charter remote to work with TCL tv
This thread has 47 replies. Displaying posts 46 through 48.
Post 46 made on Wednesday November 8, 2023 at 22:23
Junior Member
November 2023
So Roku updated their software last week and all the TCL Roku tv codes are no longer working. Dynax code 11780 gets power, volume, and arrows on Charter remote control to work, but OK/power button doesn't work. Do you know of any Dynax codes I could try after entering 994?
Post 47 made on Wednesday November 8, 2023 at 23:36
Regular Member
September 2023
On November 8, 2023 at 22:23, mcbrazz said...
So Roku updated their software last week and all the TCL Roku tv codes are no longer working. Dynax code 11780 gets power, volume, and arrows on Charter remote control to work, but OK/power button doesn't work. Do you know of any Dynax codes I could try after entering 994?

On my Charter remote, I found two solutions,
  1. Turn off the Channel Lock feature. (None of my other device OK buttons worked while it was on, either.)
  2. If you want to leave your Channel Lock on, the EFC is 00245.
Dynex code #12049 gives you more keys right away.
For me, only two keys did not work correctly,
  • Pause (which can be copied from Play) &
  • FFwd (I had to use EFC 00008).
It is missing a Sleep Timer key (which I never use anyway).
Instant Replay is on the Last key.
Another missing, useful key is the Channel Dot key. It is EFC 00169 and I placed mine at the # key. ;)

Device code 11756 no longer works for me either.
On a different universal remote, TCL #4398 still works.

Last edited by SysTech_Larry on November 9, 2023 00:34.
SysTech Larry
Post 48 made on Thursday November 9, 2023 at 09:12
Regular Member
September 2023
On November 8, 2023 at 23:36, SysTech_Larry said...
|Dynex code #12049 gives you more keys right away.
|For me, only two keys did not work correctly,
  • Pause (which can be copied from Play) &
  • FFwd (I had to use EFC 00008)
|It is missing a Sleep Timer key (which I never use anyway).
Instant Replay is on the Last key.
Another missing, useful key is the Channel Dot key. It is EFC 00169 and I placed mine at the # key. ;)

I found more useful EFCs in that code set.
SysTech Larry
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