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IR On/Off code for add a drape controller? Please!
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Post 1 made on Tuesday February 12, 2002 at 14:44
Founding Member
October 2001
I know you can buy this add a drape controller with a seperate remote control for the unit. Rather than purchase the remote, can someone post the On/Off IR codes for the Pronto? I would prefer to avoid x10 control if possible.

I'm going to employ this motor to automate the task of adjusting my screens masking to the different aspect ratios. I would appreciate feedback on this unit as well. Is the motor fairly quiet? Does the motor function/respond properly when controlling the unit via remote? Is the quality of the unit reasonable for it's low price? Thanks
Post 2 made on Saturday March 2, 2002 at 07:53
Founding Member
May 2001
If you're talking about this [Link:] Add-a-Motor it's what I use for masking control.

I use two (one for each panel).
Cheap $62 at Worthington
Decent quality

Gear ratio a bit high, so you might have to devise something to gear it down if your travel distance is going to be small. I use a block and tackle type pulley system.
Must remove power to change direction (perfect for an X-10 application)
Only one stop setting (it is adjustable though)

Long story short. It works fine with some creative engineering!! I'm happy with my system.
Post 3 made on Monday March 11, 2002 at 12:28
Founding Member
August 2001
I have one of these drapery controller but I can't get X10 to work properly. I bought the extra remote that SmartHome sells for this controller and it's working fine. However, I was trying to use a normal X10 appliance module and it never work!!

Basically, for X10, if I send an OFF command, I never hear any click from the controller so it's not really cutting off the power even though it's been shut off at the appliance module. I wonder if the appliance module somehow keeps a small current to detect signals? If that's the case, how do you get it working? Am I missing something?

Thanks for your help.

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