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my stupid question about remote programming just to PO Q!
This thread has 19 replies. Displaying posts 1 through 15.
Post 1 made on Monday May 22, 2006 at 19:53
Ted Wetzel
Founding Member
November 2001
more seriously. How do you handle changing the surround mode on the remote? This is something that I change constantly from week to week. In the old days there was one command to toggle surround modes but now you have dolby surround, music surround, stereo surround and on and on, all with their own sub menus. So what do you do? I've been using mostly Marantz lately and the "auto" mode is interesting, but hardly ideal. I always hesitate to even get into the discussion of how many modes there are to the client, as they always want to know what the "best" mode is, as if there is such a thing.
Post 2 made on Monday May 22, 2006 at 19:56
Fred Harding @ home
Long Time Member
July 2005

I wouldn't give them a choice. I would assign the appropriate mode to the appropriate input, and leave it there.

Post 3 made on Monday May 22, 2006 at 19:58
Super Member
August 2003
I had a client who no matter how many times I told him not to, would always have his receiver in 5 channel stereo because it was the only mode that made sound come out of all of the speakers all of the time.
OP | Post 4 made on Monday May 22, 2006 at 19:58
Ted Wetzel
Founding Member
November 2001
On May 22, 2006 at 19:58, cma said...
I had a client who no matter how many times I
told him not to, would always have his receiver
in 5 channel stereo because it was the only mode
that made sound come out of all of the speakers
all of the time.

AMEN to that!
Post 5 made on Monday May 22, 2006 at 20:03
Loyal Member
September 2003
On May 22, 2006 at 19:56, Fred Harding @ home said...

I wouldn't give them a choice. I would assign
the appropriate mode to the appropriate input,
and leave it there.



Never give the option unless I think they are able to handle it. So 99.99999% of the time they don't get that option.
When good enough is not good enough.
Post 6 made on Monday May 22, 2006 at 20:27
Loyal Member
February 2002
no option. period
Ed will be known as the Tiger Woods of the integration business, followed closely with the renaming of his company to "Hotties A/V". The tag line will be "We like big racks and tight holes"...
Post 7 made on Monday May 22, 2006 at 20:29
Trunk-Slammer -Supreme
Loyal Member
November 2003
Problem is that you program the system with the ideal settings for each input, yet there will always be that one doofus that just can't leave things alone.

And unfortunately the doofus can get to the equipment to do his damage even if you don't have the commands in the remote, so the system ends up out of whack.
Post 8 made on Monday May 22, 2006 at 20:50
Long Time Member
September 2005
On May 22, 2006 at 20:27, ceied said...
no option. period

So what about digital cable music channels or Dtv XM music channels? You don't give the customer an option for say...PLII Music?

Or do you guys give them a seperate device button for these that changes modes also?

Curious how you all handle this.
Post 9 made on Monday May 22, 2006 at 21:18
Fred Harding @ home
Long Time Member
July 2005
Yup. At my humble abode, satellite video is one mode, satellite music is another, macroed every time.
Post 10 made on Monday May 22, 2006 at 22:06
Loyal Member
February 2002
seperate macro.
Ed will be known as the Tiger Woods of the integration business, followed closely with the renaming of his company to "Hotties A/V". The tag line will be "We like big racks and tight holes"...
Post 11 made on Monday May 22, 2006 at 22:15
Select Member
May 2003
I normally set to auto on most basic sources, the appropriate surround mode on DVD, 2 channel mode on fm, cd, etc. Then when I WANt to give the control, I do it like I do on my RTI remote at the store....

I have an "audio" button on all the relevant pages that looks like this..
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
That goes to this page ....
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
And then you just press the bacl arrow to return to the previous page
No, I wont install your plasma with an orange extension cord hanging down the wall.
Post 12 made on Monday May 22, 2006 at 22:19
Fred Forlano
Long Time Member
June 2002
I have the macro set to the 'best choice' depending on the source, then I have a link (or use the FAV page on a MX-850) to jump to a page where the customer can choose a mode if they want.

BTW, on Marantz, CS-II for non-DD TV programs is awesome! Battlestar Galactica sounds incredible when watching on SciFi!!!

"I have been marked once, my dear and let me assure you, no needle shall ever touch my skin again." -- Erik Magnus Lensherr (Magneto)
Post 13 made on Monday May 22, 2006 at 23:57
Steve Garn
Senior Member
November 2003
On May 22, 2006 at 19:58, cma said...
I had a client who no matter how many times I
told him not to, would always have his receiver
in 5 channel stereo because it was the only mode
that made sound come out of all of the speakers
all of the time.

my state of the art white remote has a button with 5 speakers on it. It sounds better than the other two with less speakers on it. Why mess with perfection? (he he he)..

seriously, my nearly deaf customers get 5-7 channel stereo on nearly everything except for the DVD. That is the worn out rock stars button of choice. It sounds just like his car stereo with the 19 speakers.

With the MX-850, I'll throw several of the modes in the FAV area along with Zone 2 functions and lighting. The more technically challenged, the fewer the choices.
Manuals?! We don't need no stinking manuals! a.. er..
Post 14 made on Tuesday May 23, 2006 at 01:27
Long Time Member
September 2005
If discreets are available I always put the appropriate mode in the macro string. 5 or 7 ch stereo for cd, plIImusic for fav music video channels, etc. More work, but t&m baby! Customer loves it.
Life is short, enjoy yourself!
Post 15 made on Tuesday May 23, 2006 at 04:25
Ernie Bornn-Gilman
Yes, That Ernie!
December 2001
Depends on the customer. Sometimes I give them a page like that shown above. Sometimes I just set them and don't give them any options. Sometimes I include a discrete surround command to return the system to the preferred setup whenever they choose that source again.
A good answer is easier with a clear question giving the make and model of everything.
"The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." -- G. “Bernie” Shaw
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