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SpeakerCraft rumor
This thread has 31 replies. Displaying posts 1 through 15.
Post 1 made on Monday June 20, 2005 at 09:52
Long Time Member
June 2005
Just a little rumor I thought you SpeakerCraft fans would like to hear.

Sounds like the "custom installer driven" company is going into Best Buy/ Magnolia.

Dammit, just when I found a line I liked.

Can you say "Triad, here I come"
Post 2 made on Monday June 20, 2005 at 12:22
Long Time Member
February 2005
I'll bet under another name other than SpeakerCraft??? Niles has done the same thing.
Danny Soileau
Post 3 made on Monday June 20, 2005 at 12:34
Chris L
Founding Member
October 2001
Sonance is in Best Buy under the HomeTech name. What name is Niles hiding under?
Post 4 made on Monday June 20, 2005 at 13:01
Senior Member
April 2003
I'm always right. The only time I was wrong was the time that I thought, that I was wrong.
Post 5 made on Monday June 20, 2005 at 13:04
Jeff Wagner
Founding Member
January 2002
Magnolia has been one of the top dealers for SpeakerCraft for many, many years. We have never given them any reason to second guess our relationship, so of course we have had them in our Magnolia Home Theater locations since we started. The fact that few of you were aware of this just goes to show that it poses no threat to you. We do not sell or show SpeakerCraft in Best Buy stores, only MHT locations.

Jeff Wagner
Post 6 made on Monday June 20, 2005 at 13:04
Active Member
July 2003
Can anyone say "Proficient"? SC has been selling speakers for about 3 years now through distributors like Silmar. They are not the same quality, just made in the same warehouse. If you think the largest selling CI speaker company in the world will shoot us in the foot by selling Aim2's at Best Buy, I'll kiss a duck square in the beak. SC is know for service, and a commitment to helping us do our jobs while making profit. Serious companies selling to the CI market can't resist placing an inferior line of product in these big box retailers showrooms, however the best of these manufacturers always reserve a slice of lines for only the CI's
I long for a better world. One in which a chickens motives will not be questioned when mearly crossing the road.
Post 7 made on Monday June 20, 2005 at 13:52
2nd rick
Super Member
August 2002
Mr. Wagner is with BB, and what he is saying in the politically correct way is "get ready".

I haven't seen a finished store or heard the exact mix for the Nationwide rollout of Mini-Mags, but the original standalone Magnolias are dealers for Speakercraft, Niles, Elan, Denon, Def Tech, Fujitsu, In Focus, Dwin, Boston, B&K, Martin-Logan, & even Krell...

I remember seeing a little area of the Schaumburg, IL BB set up with a small display of Pioneer Elite and B&K and some Berkline theater chairs. This was over a year ago... I haven't been in there in months.

When I asked about it, an associate told me that it was there to gauge the interest in that type of gear, and that those models were not yet in the computer system or stocked in the warehouse to his knowledge...

The store within a store failed miserably for Sears' Great Indoors model and the HD Expo model, at least here in the Chicago area... but I think BB has learned from their mistakes and this will probably be more of a presence in the mid-to-upper eschelon than even Tweeter.

I would appreciate any feedback from any of you who are in the N. California or Reno areas where the MHT mini-stores have been open for a while inside Best Buys.

Here is a Best Buy press release from earlier this month that references the new store plans:

I know quite a few guys that are old seasoned pros who are now at the "training" store that wouldn't be there if there wasn't a good budget behind it. I am watching this very closely.

This message was edited by 2nd rick on 06/20/05 14:12 ET.
Rick Murphy
Troy, MI
Post 8 made on Monday June 20, 2005 at 14:04
Founding Member
April 2002
The B&K rep told me last week that B&K would not be in the Magnolia stores. Jeff, is that your understanding? When are you going to be in Chicago; I owe you a beer?
Carpe diem!
Post 9 made on Monday June 20, 2005 at 14:17
2nd rick
Super Member
August 2002
Owen, I saw a B&K receiver in the Schaumburg location across from Tower Records on Golf.

Like I said, it was a test display, but you should be glad you have Anthem already.
I have a feeling Mark and Jeff and their counterparts across the country will be fielding more calls if B&K winds up at MHT stores.
Rick Murphy
Troy, MI
Post 10 made on Monday June 20, 2005 at 14:24
Founding Member
April 2002
I'll go look tomorrow night; it's supposed to be hot and the Wide Glide needs periodic exercise. :-)

I would not regard Anthem as a direct replacement for B&K; no receiver, no multi-zone. Too bad, we have a lot invested with B&K.
Carpe diem!
OP | Post 11 made on Monday June 20, 2005 at 14:57
Long Time Member
June 2005
Yeah Im aware Proficient is a SC brand
One little note to think about...

Who would've EVER thought ALPINE would be in Best Buy?

Not I.
Post 12 made on Monday June 20, 2005 at 19:57
Super Member
February 2002
On 06/20/05 14:24 ET, Theaterworks said...
I'll go look tomorrow night; it's supposed to
be hot and the Wide Glide needs periodic exercise.

I would not regard Anthem as a direct replacement
for B&K; no receiver, no multi-zone. Too bad,
we have a lot invested with B&K.

You might want to change that to 3-zone instead of no multizone.
I may be schizophrenic, but at least I have each other.
Post 13 made on Monday June 20, 2005 at 20:01
Founding Member
April 2002
On 06/20/05 19:57 ET, GotGame said...
You might want to change that to 3-zone instead
of no multizone.

Yes, I know the AVM-30 is a three zone pre-pro. I've used it as such, with great success. On the other hand, when you get beyond three (six, twelve, and I've got an eighteen on the bench right now) the Anthem does not do the trick.
Carpe diem!
Post 14 made on Monday June 20, 2005 at 20:48
2nd rick
Super Member
August 2002
I thought you did a lot of Crestron??

Are the B&K electronics more affordable even on jobs with automation?? or are talking about using the B&K standalone with their own KPs on jobs without Crestron panels??

I would think the time savings of the pre-made modules for the Crestron preamps would easily cover any gaps in hardware pricing.
Rick Murphy
Troy, MI
Post 15 made on Tuesday June 21, 2005 at 01:55
Founding Member
December 2001
Just a little background for you all. I come from Seattle, the birthplace of Magnolia Hi-Fi. I worked there for 3 1/2 years before leaving to start my own business in 1995. I've had Magnolia right here in my backyard the entire time and I can attest to the fact that if you are established, they shouldn't hurt you. Here in Seattle they have a million+ dollar design center that I know has rolled a 3/4 million dollar system to a Mariner. They've always been formidable competition but somehow I've managed to keep a steady flow of clients for the last ten years anyway. I've also got another powerhouse around here called Definitive Audio... I've won some against them but lost more. I'm sure you all have (or are) formidable competition as well.

Magnolia was started in 1954 by a gentleman named Len Tweten and I actually felt good for him when I heard he had sold. He worked his whole life and built a great company that is constanly recognized as one of the best retailers in the industry. When I worked there it was like being part of a family. If anyone deserves a great retirement its Len.

I don't want to rain on Jeff Wagner's parade... I'm sure he's getting some good talent but the fact remains that they are kind of easy to sell against. Sure... they'll do a lot of business but BB and CC already do a lot of business... business to clients we wish we had access to. Unfortunately none of us small timers have millions of dollars in tv, radio & print adverising and big fancy stores full of instant gratification electronics. The way to sell it is that there is no way that the customer will get the attention of an owner on his/her project... they won't even get Jeff! I've had clients fed up with Magnolia because every day they get a new couple of installers who don't know the system. What little structured wiring and networking I've seen them do up here has been laughable and wire management leaves quite a bit to be desired. They also won't be carrying electrical licenses and advertise that signal cables for plasmas will be hidden but power cords must be external. Any of you who have the electrical cert or hold a General Contractors license can also use this to your advantage.

I'm more threatened by the myriad of new one man shows that open daily. They're the ones who trouser drop in desperation to get any kind of deal. The one thing you won't see Magnolia doing is dropping major trou (although I think their labor is a bit low priced from what I've seen).

I guess the last point is that we ain't gonna stop it from happening so we need to keep looking inward while looking out at the big picture.

Good Luck All
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