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Recent Sonos update and Pandora
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Post 1 made on Tuesday May 1, 2018 at 15:13
Super Member
April 2004
So you guys don’t have to waste an hour figuring this one out ... You are no longer allowed full Pandora functionality through Sonos. Now you can only see stations you created. You cannot create a station within Sonos unless you go to the main Sonos search tab. If you search and select a station it then shows on your Sonos stations. Not sure if it also adds to your overall Sonos account
Post 2 made on Tuesday May 1, 2018 at 16:42
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
Do you know if Pandora Premium works on SONOS correctly? Like searching for exact songs & artist?

I have a customer on HEOS and he went from the free Pandora to Pandora Plus @ $4.99 a month.
He liked it, so after awhile he upgraded to Pandora Premium @ $9.99 a month. But the HEOS interface will not let him play specific songs or artists. Only the radio stations, which defeats the whole purpose of going from Pandora Plus to Pandora Premium.

I could pay for the Pandora for a month and test it out myself on the units I have in the shop. But I'm sick of having to spend my own money, figuring this crap out for these services. They won't give me free accounts to help 'their' customers out, f^ em!!!
Post 3 made on Tuesday May 1, 2018 at 19:40
SB Smarthomes
Super Member
July 2007
I don't know the answer to your question, but why not just call Sonos and ask them?
Santa Barbara Smarthomes
Post 4 made on Tuesday May 1, 2018 at 22:30
Select Member
August 2003
I can access Pandora Premium on my Sonos system - full playback of specific songs/albums.
OP | Post 5 made on Tuesday May 1, 2018 at 22:32
Super Member
April 2004
On May 1, 2018 at 16:42, Brad Humphrey said...
Do you know if Pandora Premium works on SONOS correctly? Like searching for exact songs & artist?

I have a customer on HEOS and he went from the free Pandora to Pandora Plus @ $4.99 a month.
He liked it, so after awhile he upgraded to Pandora Premium @ $9.99 a month. But the HEOS interface will not let him play specific songs or artists. Only the radio stations, which defeats the whole purpose of going from Pandora Plus to Pandora Premium.

I could pay for the Pandora for a month and test it out myself on the units I have in the shop. But I'm sick of having to spend my own money, figuring this crap out for these services. They won't give me free accounts to help 'their' customers out, f^ em!!!

Don’t know sorry, but I feel your pain. Tried deezer last month to see what the lossless was all about only to discover you can only do it through Sonos and I don’t have Sonos at home just a URC streaming player.
Post 6 made on Tuesday May 1, 2018 at 22:35
Loyal Member
June 2005
This seems like the way things are going and to be the norm with my services in Sonos. None of them have a true search, I just go to the Sonos search, choose artist, type in Rancid and it reports back the findings for Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, and MyPhone. A-OK with me.
Post 7 made on Wednesday May 2, 2018 at 10:31
Loyal Member
May 2002
Bummed that MLB won't play through Sonos as it has for a few years now.
There is no truth anymore. Only assertions. The internet world has no interest in truth, only vindication for preconceived assumptions.
Post 8 made on Wednesday May 2, 2018 at 11:49
Super Member
August 2004
I have a bunch of clients upset about no MLB on Sonos. I bet I have had 10-15 clients cancel their subscription. I had one client call to cancel and the MLB rep didn't even know what Sonos was. Most were upset that a letter was not even sent from MLB.
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish...
Post 9 made on Wednesday May 2, 2018 at 17:28
Super Member
February 2002
MLB sucked on Tivo too, don't even get me started on the shit out of our control, but I am the one the client calls first." my stream keeps stopping".
I may be schizophrenic, but at least I have each other.

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