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TSU9600 and Access Points
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Post 1 made on Tuesday February 6, 2024 at 18:07
Long Time Member
February 2015
Anybody know what is peculiar with the WiFi in the 9600? I have been successfully using Ubiquiti access points for years. I just added a new U6 Pro and have not been able to get the Pronto to connect. I have tried various parameter tweaks without success, even disabling security.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Post 2 made on Tuesday February 6, 2024 at 22:54
Super Member
May 2003
Make sure that 802.11b is enabled on Ubiquiti,

In the past I've pulled a very old router out of the dust bin and used it's WiFi to connect to Pronto.
OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday February 7, 2024 at 10:30
Long Time Member
February 2015
802.11b is enabled on the access point. I verified it by setting a windows tablet to only use b and it connected; then checking the unifi controller, it shows the connection as b.
I have essentially done what you talked about and pulled an old unifi AP and added it; it works, so there is something about old vs new AP that all of the settings I have tried make no difference on the new AP with the Pronto.
I am just trying to not have 2 AP at the same location, one for the pronto and one for everything else.
Post 4 made on Thursday February 8, 2024 at 05:32
Long Time Member
September 2003
I have a 802.11b/g/n/ac wifi router that (apparently) uses a Qualcomm chipset that I am also unable to connect to with my TSU9800.
It worked years ago, then a firmware update was released for the router and that was it.
No use talking to their support regarding issues with a device that had been discontinued for a decade (I tried, though...).

I assume it's an issue with the wifi chipset driver and/or (Qualcomm?) chipset firmware.

It looks like the UniFi 6 Pro also uses a Qualcomm chipset, so you may be running into the same issue.

I have a second (Linksys) access point with a Marvel Chipset that works fine with the TSU9800 - not sure about the 9600, but the 9800 also does 802.11g (54Mbit). Not that it makes much of a difference.

OP | Post 5 made on Thursday February 8, 2024 at 14:28
Long Time Member
February 2015
Thanks, that makes some sense. The U6 Pro as you stated is a Qualcomm chipset and the nanoHD which works, has a MediaTek chipset. I also have and AC-IW with a Qualcomm that also does not work. My old "UAP" model I cannot find the chipset. I found a great table of all sorts of data for Unifi devices, including the chipset. The UAP was not on the table, probably too old.
Thanks again.

Post 6 made on Thursday February 8, 2024 at 17:52
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
Linksys WAP54G or a PakEdge B/G access point. I use PakEdge specifically for all Prontos. It has never failed me.
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
Post 7 made on Thursday February 8, 2024 at 22:32
Super Member
May 2003
Can you point me to the chipset-access point data?
OP | Post 8 made on Friday February 9, 2024 at 09:45
Long Time Member
February 2015
For the Ubiquiti Unifi access point information, I found charts like the ones reference in [Link:]

That references a link to all of the information in different formats.
Post 9 made on Friday February 9, 2024 at 18:25
Super Member
May 2003
Post 10 made on Sunday April 7, 2024 at 23:33
Long Time Member
June 2003
My home is all on Unifi hardware, with the exception of my Synology RT1900ac router which is configured only as a wireless access point dedicated for Pronto use.

Unfortunately, I’ve been getting Command Failed errors a lot the past few months. I’ve tried many things to no avail: I’ve switched TSU9400s (I have spares), I’ve switched RFX9600s (I have spares too), I tried sending all my IR commands to an RFX9400 and RS232 commands to the Rfx9600. I get command failed for the IR commands but not Rs232 commands and not IP commands. The command fails are usually due to reply not being received from the RFx9400 or Rfx9600. The strange thing is I don’t notice problems with RS232 commands. No problems with IP commands either. Just have problems with the IR commands. SO I thought using an RFX9400 dedicated for Ir use would suffice. Didn’t help.

My RFX9600 are configured with DHCP reservations. My TSU9400 are also configured with DHCP reservation. If anyone thinks setting up the Prontos with static IPs will help, let me know.

I wonder if maybe changing the duration of IR commands may have can have an positive impact on Command Failure?

I have gone over suggestions in other forums and none have helped. I haven’t tried reapplying the firmware in my RFX9600s. I am using the beta firmware (that solves a volume ramp up problem). Should I reapply this? Or apply the last official non - beta GA release ( I set max volume to a reasonable number in my processor). OH, and I need to find a crossover cable to connect the RFX9600 to my PC.

The next thing I’m considering is to get a Linksys Wap54G. I wonder IF my Synology Rt1900ac firmware updates has increased the probability of Command Failed. I HAD VERSION 2 of this Linksys access point I unfortunately I threw it away 5 years ago. I don’t know if I should get version 1 or 2…

EDIT: I ordered Linksys WAP54G. Amazingly, I was able to order a brand new one through Amazon prime. eBay would’ve been cheaper, but I get this one faster. I’ll see if this helps reduce Command Failure.

Last edited by randman on April 8, 2024 09:07.
Post 11 made on Monday April 8, 2024 at 20:24
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
I see lots of command failed with the Apple TV IR codes I posted which I run with 'default' duration. These commands are 32 bits of data.

I rarely had command failed issues until I started controlling the Apple TV via IR.

I have a Pakedge WAP54G and it has been very, very solid yet I still have issues with Apple TV codes.

What is of most interest to me is why the failure. The protocol requires both Ack of commands and the Reply of same. The extenders send both Ack and Reply 5 times, I believe, with 30ms interval between retransmissions.

You did not mention what version of the extender firmware you were running. I'm using the final release from Pronto Team. I'm wondering if backing down to a previous RFX firmware version might behave better as the original stuff was stated to only retransmit packet o TSU 3 times vs 5 times.

Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
Post 12 made on Monday April 8, 2024 at 22:30
Long Time Member
June 2003
My RFX9600 has firmware version 1.4.8, which was the last (and beta) firmware that was released by Philips. Wondering if it's worth trying 1.4.7 (last official release). 1.4.8 is also the firmware that is on my RFX9400, which I tested recently and also got Command Failed when using it.

For Apple TV, I use a combination of the IR that you posted, and IR from an old Dune remote which I taught to my Apple TV. I do get Command Failed with the Apple TV, but I get Command Failed much more frequently with my Nvidia Shield Pro (2019). The Shield doesn't actually have IR built-in. I use IR via a Flirc USB stick. I feel that "Command Failed" feels happens maybe three times more often with the Nvidia Shield compared to the Apple TV.

The interesting thing is that I get Command Failed mainly with IR commands. I don't really notice it with RS232 and IP commands. The Command Failed problem got so annoying last week that I took out my old Harmony remote & hub from retirement (which I last used more than 5 years ago mainly for the kids' use). I actually created a VM a few years ago that runs a server that can query/control a Harmony hub via HTTP ([Link:]). There were a couple of Shield commands that weren't available via Flirc, but were available only via bluetooth, so the VM was nice to have. I brought that VM out of hibernation, and my Pronto uses it as a getHTTP to bluetooth translator for commands not available via the Flirc USB. One thought I had was to use it for other commands instead of the Flirc IR equivalents.

So, yeah, using getHTTP is much more reliable. The Harmony hub also uses bluetooth to talk to the Apple TV, but Apple TV IR commands are fine, at least compared to Nvidia IR commands. I suppose the main disadvantage of using IP instead of IR are for commands that need a press and hold. For example, press and hold of cursor up/down/left/right commands don't work (don't repeat) for IP commands or RS232 commands.

Anyway, my Linksys WAP54G is arriving tomorrow (I wish I hadn't thrown away my old one years ago). So, next step is to try RFX9600 v1.4.7 or Linksys WAP54G.
Post 13 made on Tuesday April 9, 2024 at 11:01
Regular Member
June 2020
I use the same set up for my shield and do not have any IR failed commands. Wonder if you should try a new set of IR codes and reprogram the USB FLIRC to use the new codes?
Post 14 made on Tuesday April 9, 2024 at 11:42
Long Time Member
June 2003
IIRC, when I setup the Flirc back in 2019, I had loaded the old Shield's (2017) IR codes into my Pronto, and then used those codes to teach to Flirc. So, trying a new set of IR codes is a possibility, but maybe later down the road if other things don't pan out (e.g. trying RFX9600 firmware 1.4.7 instead of 1.4.8 beta), and trying old Linksys WAP54G.

Other option is to use getHTTP commands from Pronto to the Harmony Hub, which talks to the Shield via bluetooth. This should be reliable, except the most important buttons, the cursor keys, won't repeat properly (when doing press and hold) if they issue IP commands.
Post 15 made on Tuesday April 9, 2024 at 18:14
Regular Member
June 2020
has anyone gotten the Harmony hub working?
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