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Spraying the back black
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Post 1 made on Saturday September 30, 2017 at 09:01
Long Time Member
September 2011
Hiya everyone,

As you TSU9600 users may be aware, the removable back panel seems to tarnish and looks ugly after years of use.

I am considering spraying this part with some form of rubber matt black and think it will improve feel and grip and actually improve overall appearance.

Before I do I was wondering if anyone else out there has done this and have any tricks and tips.

Better still a photograph of this would he great, I know it's a strange request but I love the looks of my Pronto from the front but the back looks grotty and I'm sure if this was rubberised it would improve the tactile feel.

Post 2 made on Sunday October 1, 2017 at 14:22
Long Time Member
September 2003
I never done it but I suggest you use a enamel that can withstand scratches and fingerprints.

I have painted other remotes with sprays (Glow in the dark). But when you put them down on a table after a year it can get worn through.

I never tried a spray enamel but that would be my choice. A brush would give it a thicker coat.

You could try cleaning the remote with a solvent to remove the rubber coating or sand it.

I have tried a spray Plastic Dip coating on something similar but it wore off. It peels off to easy.

Good luck.
Project Boredom 2 is here. [Link:]
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OP | Post 3 made on Monday October 2, 2017 at 16:51
Long Time Member
September 2011
Ok alpha, thanks for the advice.
Post 4 made on Thursday October 5, 2017 at 21:24
Select Member
March 2004
Keep in mind that there are two screws under the label area on the back you'll need to be able to get to if you ever need to replace the battery. If I were to apply some type of coating to the back I'd remove the back portion first, do what I was going to do to it, then put it back on.
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OP | Post 5 made on Tuesday October 10, 2017 at 15:20
Long Time Member
September 2011
Yeah Lowpro,
Due for a new battery so may just respray silver as was gonna get new device from bay but in UK these things are selling for mega bucks at the moment.
Mine is great apart from the rear housing, previous owner has not done a very good job refitting after they replaced the battery, bit of excessive gap one side and grotty looking.
Rubber matt black or standard silver, mmmmmmmm, decisions decisions.
Post 6 made on Sunday November 5, 2017 at 07:42
Rene Lou
Long Time Member
January 2008
Hi tj
I did this with two Pronto TSU 9600:
- carefully remove the label at the back (with a Swiss Army knife)
- remove the two small rubber feet and remove all the screws as well
- then remove the sticky back panel
- clean the back panel from old paint
  (I used a pan cleaning pad for doing this, it took some time but was worth it)
- clean the back panel with cleaning solvent
- spray the back panel with a plastic primer spray
- spray the back panel with a color painting spray (2-3 times)
- spray the back panel with a clear painting spray (I used a not shiny one)
As color I used „platinum“ since it is similar to the look as the Pronto, but you can use any color of course. The final clear spray is acting as a protective coat for the color paint. I used „dupli color“ painting sprays since they are sold locally.
I made this a year ago, the back panel still looks like new and the stickyness is gone forever :-)
Post 7 made on Monday November 6, 2017 at 15:34
Select Member
March 2004
On November 5, 2017 at 07:42, Rene Lou said...
Hi tj
I did this with two Pronto TSU 9600:
- carefully remove the label at the back (with a Swiss Army knife)
- remove the two small rubber feet and remove all the screws as well
- then remove the sticky back panel
- clean the back panel from old paint
  (I used a pan cleaning pad for doing this, it took some time but was worth it)
- clean the back panel with cleaning solvent
- spray the back panel with a plastic primer spray
- spray the back panel with a color painting spray (2-3 times)
- spray the back panel with a clear painting spray (I used a not shiny one)
As color I used „platinum“ since it is similar to the look as the Pronto, but you can use any color of course. The final clear spray is acting as a protective coat for the color paint. I used „dupli color“ painting sprays since they are sold locally.
I made this a year ago, the back panel still looks like new and the stickyness is gone forever :-)

Any pictures you'd like to share? Would be neat to see.
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Post 8 made on Saturday November 18, 2017 at 03:16
Rene Lou
Long Time Member
January 2008
Hi Lowpro, sure.

Seems there is no way I can upload or copy/paste pictures directly in this forum, so I created a dropbox folder with some pictures:



Last edited by Rene Lou on November 19, 2017 11:42.
Post 9 made on Sunday December 3, 2017 at 18:27
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
Nice Job!!!
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
Post 10 made on Tuesday January 23, 2018 at 09:43
Rene Lou
Long Time Member
January 2008
Hi, I just added an additional picture to the dropbox folder (link above) with the parts I used to remove the old paint and spray the back panel new.
Post 11 made on Sunday January 28, 2018 at 23:50
Founding Member
April 2002
The back of mine is really looking bad. I don't want to have to respray the back of it but can anyone suggest ways that they have cleaned the back of the unit? I am not sure what to use. I did see that a cleaning solvent was mentioned but I am not sure what to use.
Post 12 made on Monday January 29, 2018 at 09:24
Dawn Gordon Luks
Founding Member
September 2001
I tired alcohol and that took off the paint. Not too happy with the result. I just want to get rid of the stickiness.
Post 13 made on Sunday February 4, 2018 at 03:57
Rene Lou
Long Time Member
January 2008
I used a pan cleaning pad for doing this (see pictures in box, link above), rubbing the back panel and used some cleaning petrol. First it was even more sticky and looked very ugly, but after a while rubbing, the paint goes off completely and you will have just the plastic back panel without any paint on it. You should not use any agressive solvent which could eventually dissolve the plastic.

Last edited by Rene Lou on February 4, 2018 04:05.
Post 14 made on Monday March 12, 2018 at 04:56
Long Time Member
September 2003
I'm in the process of repainting the back of my 9800 too (funny coincidence: I bought the exact same primer and paint as Rene without having seen the pictures from his above link).
Removing the old paint is fairly easy with 1000 grit wet sanding paper.
You need 1 sheet and about 1 hour time.
At first I tried rubbing off the paint with the coarse side of a Glitzi sponge, but that didn't work well and I feared that it would leave scratches.

Post 15 made on Friday January 28, 2022 at 15:56
Ernie Gilman
Yes, That Ernie!
December 2001
here's a dropbox URL you published on remotecentral for some remotes that you painted. It's been five years since you posted this, so it occurs to me that you're going to change computers at some point or other, which might (I'm a bit ignorant on this) wipe out this URL. It'd be helpful to have it available after that time.

I think will let you publish and link to photos for free.

Thanks for publishing these photos to begin with, and whatever you do to keep them available.

On November 18, 2017 at 03:16, Rene Lou said...
Hi Lowpro, sure.

Seems there is no way I can upload or copy/paste pictures directly in this forum, so I created a dropbox folder with some pictures:


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