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Westinghouse and Comcast EFC Help
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Post 1 made on Thursday February 13, 2014 at 00:46
Lurking Member
February 2014
Hello. I know this has been asked before, and I did research and tried several EFC codes, but none seemed to work. I went ahead and cleared my attempts and realized that I should have just asked for help to begin with.
I have the dark grey Comcast remote with the red OK/Select button...and I just purchased the Westinghouse WH-DW46F1Y2 46" LED television.
990 blink back tells me I'm using the 10000 device code, which works on the TV for every function except OK/Select. I would like to use the Comcast remote to control the television, as well as cable, and be able to change the input for games. Can someone please tell me what the EFC code is for this function?
On a side note, I am attempting to get the Wii gamepad to control the TV as well, and the same problem is happening, so I figured I'd take a shot and throw out the question of whether or not it's possible to program a specific function for that as well? Just wondering...

Thank you for the help.
Post 2 made on Thursday February 13, 2014 at 23:54
Select Member
August 2009
Usually it is 00255

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