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Help on AXD7661 for Pioneer VSX 822 Receiver
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Post 1 made on Friday March 22, 2013 at 00:15
Lurking Member
March 2013
I am trying to setup my AXD7661 remote for Pioneer VSX 822 Receiver and am having trouble with a couple of components:

Insignia Blu Ray NS-BRDVD:

On an old remote I was able to use Funai codes, but neither the Funai nor Insignia codes work on this remote. Any ideas?

Centurylink Prism Cable/PVR Motorola VIP 1232:

I think this cable box is also used by AT&T Uverse. None of the Motorola codes seem to work. Any ideas?

I can actually live without the Cable box not working, but really want to get the blu ray player working.

I was able to set up the following just fine:
Apple TV
Vizio TV

If any one has any ideas it would be much appreciated!

Last edited by derrickf on March 22, 2013 13:01.
Post 2 made on Friday March 22, 2013 at 06:23
RC Moderator
August 2001
Generally OEM remotes pretty limited as "universals". This one seems a little better than most, but it still seems not to have a code search function nor a learning capability. Consequently you're stuck with what you see is what you get - the only alternative being to manually trawl through the whole set/s, with no guarantee that you'll find anything that works.

Note: Just to confirm, we are talking of the VSX-822-K aren't we?
OP | Post 3 made on Friday March 22, 2013 at 12:56
Lurking Member
March 2013
Yeah, its the VSX-822-K

Maybe I need to pick up a different remote that will control everything, including the receiver. It would really be nice to get down to one controller :)

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