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Lead Technician Northern California / San Jose, San Francisco, Silicon Valley
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Post 1 made on Saturday July 9, 2011 at 23:37
Long Time Member
May 2006
National leader in high-end residential electronics systems integration seeks a Lead Technician to install and set up audio, video, lighting, voice/data and control systems in high-end residences.

Candidate must possess a minimum of 5 years experience in the following:

• Performance in a leadership role as AV Installer in the high end residential construction industry

• Proven experience in the wiring and installation of electronic systems (Voice / Data / CCTV / Audio / Video / Lighting / Security / Low Voltage Control Systems / Universal Remotes / Touch screen control systems)

• Ability to manage people and processes

• Ability to read and understand schematic drawings and blueprints

• Attention to detail and pride in workmanship

• Ability to perform calculations and engage in strategic and creative problem solving

• Excellent written and verbal communication skills

• Ability to manage multiple projects and successfully meet project deadlines

• Schedule and manage daily workflow of technicians working on multiple projects

• Ability to remain calm under pressure and think clearly

We are looking for self-managed individuals who are driven to make whatever they touch the best it can be. Please send me a PM for more information. Thanks.

Last edited by TreDEE on August 6, 2011 14:13.
OP | Post 2 made on Saturday August 6, 2011 at 14:14
Long Time Member
May 2006
OP | Post 3 made on Saturday October 29, 2011 at 15:06
Long Time Member
May 2006

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