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Tech position San Diego
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Post 1 made on Saturday September 18, 2021 at 18:16
Long Time Member
February 2004
Looking to add a tech to our team.

We've been successfully serving residential San Diego clients for 19 years. We do Sonos audio systems, Lutron shading & lighting, RTI control and Ubiquiti networks. We are a small company so we are well positioned to offer the best service possible to our clients. We are looking to replace one of our techs who is moving out of state. Since it's just 4 of us, we are extremely flexible and open to change and fresh ideas and our techs have a lot of say in how we do things. Experience with the above manufacturers is preferred but not required. We are looking to add somebody who is honest, conscientious and eager to do their best work. If you are the type that wants your efforts to matter and can handle working in pairs and solo, please reach out as we are looking for a new valued member of our small elite team.
Steve Ambrogio
[email protected]

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