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Fireball FP1 issues
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Post 1 made on Thursday July 5, 2012 at 03:06
Lurking Member
June 2012

I have recently aquired a Fireball FP1 and am slowly learning to use it and have managed to overcome most of my setup issues now. I do have a strange issue and one question regarding cover art that perhaps someone can help me with.

When using the Fireball PC software (on Win XP Pro) I have 4 artists listed even before pointing the software at a media directory and I cant get rid of them, they also appear in the artist list in addition to all other artists when I do point to a directory.

Re cover art. Not all cover art is displayed even though I have setup the tags to include it and if rechecked in MP3tag the cover art is listed and when compared to tracks that display "correctly" there does not seem to be any difference in the tags.

This is irritating more than a major issue but any help would be greatly appreciated appreciated

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