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HTPC On an imac Thats running windows?
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Post 1 made on Monday February 8, 2010 at 03:07
39 Cent Stamp
Elite Member
May 2007
I almost never watch DirecTV these days because i use itunes and hulu. I use my PC and now my iMac for music and movies. I would like to try and move completely away from DirecTV.

If i list my wants/needs can you guys tell me what to research? Or how to do it as painlessly as possible?

1.The ability to view & schedule recordings for OTA HD (free locals).

2.The ability to view & navigate hulu.

3.The ability to navigate Pandora or other free internet radio.

4.Something like iTunes (or whatever service will work) where i can buy-download-watch on demand music and movies/TV.

5.Ability to control the built in DVD drive on the iMac

I am looking for an integrated solution. 1 remote, 1 interface would be perfect :). Please tell me about my reality based options :).
Avid Stamp Collector - I really love 39 Cent Stamps
Post 2 made on Monday April 19, 2010 at 08:53
Long Time Member
January 2006
Elgato eyeTV wil handle the TV and dvr.
Boxee/XBMC for everything else.
If Bush's brains were gasoline, he wouldn't have enough to power a piss-ants go kart around the inside of a Cheerio.
Post 3 made on Sunday April 1, 2012 at 23:31
Whiskey Tango Hotel
Lurking Member
March 2012
Have you looked into MythTV with XBMC? Awesome combination.

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