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Controlling a HTPC with the Pronto 7000?
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Post 1 made on Wednesday July 19, 2006 at 09:50
Long Time Member
July 2006
hey guys. i'm loving the pronto 7000... but i had a question. i'm using a dedicated pc in my home theater to do things like listen to mp3s, and, more importantly... function as my DVR/PVR instead of getting something like TiVo or ReplayTV.

here's my question... is there anyway I can use the pronto instead of a mouse to control these things?

the software i am running on the pc is called Sage TV (version 4). right now i have to use a wireless mouse to surf through all this... but it sure would be nice to be able to use the pronto exclusively.

i do know that most keyboards/mice use RF... so that may not be an option. however, could i in theory get an IR keyboard/mouse/receiver, and then just have the PC in the same room as me and use the Pronto like that?

my personal preference would be to store my PC in a separate room and be able to control it from a different room using the Pronto.

anyone tried this or know how i might go about exploring this?
Post 2 made on Wednesday August 23, 2006 at 06:25
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
Well, if you buy the RF extender for the Pronto you can still use IR equipment in other rooms. I'll caution you, though, that mouse control through any universal remote is extremely crude at best.
Post 3 made on Monday April 16, 2007 at 14:01
Founding Member
March 2002
Try searching for Girder... I have a HTPC using SageTV and Girder with a Pronto Pro 6000, and it works great! It takes some tweaking, but you can use raw IR codes to do anything you want, then learn those raw codes into the Pronto with the Hex converter. Also try searching the SageTV community forums...Many have this already done for you.


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