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Interest for New RTI GUI?
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Post 1 made on Wednesday November 18, 2015 at 05:57
Lurking Member
November 2015
Hi All,

Just created a new RTI GUI and icons recently (called PTC-Stark) and wanted to gauge interest from everyone as to whether I should start retailing it and any ideas for changes etc. This is my first formal GUI so let me know if I'm barking up the wrong tree. If there is interest, then I'll offer the full template and icons to 3 people as a free Beta to ensure that I have it completely tested and free of errors etc. Cheers


The home pages have shortcut icons to all the important areas and can have global feedback on them such as whether there are TVs on, AppleTVs are playing, error with the Lighting or HVAC systems etc.


The Menu bar on the left takes you to all most of the sections available. Items not accessible from the menu are the info page, settings page and alarms page which are accessible from the front page only. The AppleTV page works with the AppleTV Driver (by Others) and kicks up the keyboard when needed. For sky, you need to tap the keyboard icon to pop up the alphanumeric keyboard (helps to keep it clean).


The Music pages can display whatever is sent to you by the drivers, up to you really. the AppleTV driver gives feedback that allows the stop and play buttons to retain their states ie pink if playing blue if not.


CCTV icons, currently displaying generic public webcams. The images in the full screen image have been rotated at source using AXIS url commands so that the GUI is always in portrait mode.


Nest (fire) statuses and there is also a global nest page as well. The weather page has days of the week at the top which highlight the correct day and celsius, fahrenheit. The satellite button takes people to the weather satellite / radar page.


Nest (climate) page and lighting page as well. There's feed back on the buttons too.


This is my about page, aimed at providing all the integrator's details for the client etc. Not got any links working yet. This page also shows a different font for the header - an Ultra-Light San Serif font. The alarm page is an older design and is being updated but gives the client the ability to set their own system alarms to trigger events. At the moment we use it to turn the system on at 6am and off at 9:30pm - helps us all go to bed on time! This will be graphically the same as the rest of the GUI and uses an alarm driver (by others) to driver it.

So, let me know your thoughts, I have more icons available that will come with it but I need to know if it's interesting to others.


Last edited by PROTEUS on November 24, 2015 11:59.
Post 2 made on Tuesday November 24, 2015 at 06:09
Long Time Member
February 2011
if i could see the pictures i would be happy to comment
The Future's Bright, The Future's Controllable.
Post 3 made on Tuesday November 24, 2015 at 10:50
Super Member
March 2008
On November 24, 2015 at 06:09, Diskreet said...
if i could see the pictures i would be happy to comment

Maybe he's going for the really, really plain look? JK

Would definitely help to see actual pictures.
"Quality isn't expensive, it's Priceless!"
OP | Post 4 made on Tuesday November 24, 2015 at 11:26
Lurking Member
November 2015
Yeah sorry guys! Pictures were there when i posted! I'll try again
OP | Post 5 made on Tuesday November 24, 2015 at 11:32
Lurking Member
November 2015
We'll i wasn't going mad. It seems that the pictures only display in Safri for some reason. I'll try to fix them now
OP | Post 6 made on Tuesday November 24, 2015 at 12:01
Lurking Member
November 2015
Should be done now. Let me know if not. Cheers
Post 7 made on Tuesday November 24, 2015 at 16:18
Long Time Member
February 2011
Very interesting definitely a fresh take on it all.

This is just for iPhone, I would like to see your iPad version.

First off if your going to sell this unless your going to do everyone a free floor plan you might want to do some room icons. Also you will want to have a large collection of source and zone icons as someone will be using a source you haven't thought of or a room you haven't done.

I would also do your own image list for weather to match everything else.

Personally I do not like the info page or schedule page, just don't feel it matches the rest of the ui.

For your music where is the feedback of what's playing? Like meta data and cover art? Also think of other music streamers that need a browse page, now playing list page and up next pages or variations of this ilk.

For sky look at Clive's sky hd driver it will make your ui pop more with browse lists and images for what's playing and up next etc
The Future's Bright, The Future's Controllable.
Post 8 made on Tuesday December 1, 2015 at 01:09
Mac Burks (39)
Elite Member
May 2007
From personal experience i can tell you this...whatever you will sell. How many sales depends on what you put into it.

Some things to think about...

RTI comes with a good UI built right into the software. This means you have an uphill battle right out of the gate.

Everyone has a different idea of what "good" looks like. Some people will love your design and others will hate it. There will be no convincing those who hate it. Embrace those who "get" your vision.

People will pay for things that make their lives easier. The more example pages you have the better. You will need to build for iPad/iPhone minimum. Its also probably a good idea to find out what the most common android resolution is and build for that too.

Keep the file updated. Give purchasers free access to new icons and example pages. Use a newsletter to let them know about updates. This is something i wish i had done. It gives you the ability to inform people about new products while reminding them how you are still actively supporting their original purchase.

I think it looks great so far. Floorplans are cool but you will need to use room buttons for a commercially available UI. Some houses just wont fit on the screen properly so even offering free floorplan graphics wont work.
Avid Stamp Collector - I really love 39 Cent Stamps
OP | Post 9 made on Wednesday December 2, 2015 at 01:57
Lurking Member
November 2015
Hi guy!

Thanks very much! Lots to think about there and some pretty wise points too!! It seems that the requirements right off the bat are:
  • iPad version
  • Room icons if not using floorplans 
  • Source icons
  • Weather image list
  • Music streamer browser page
  • music streamer now playing & up next page
  • updated sky page
  • android resolutions
  • need to think about any sales model for it including free updates and newsletter
couple of questions:
Do you think selling as a full GUI or just as a collection of icons is more important?
Do you think there is any benefit in selling through a third party with an established market such as Blackmancustoms, c3, myrti, guifx etc? If possible to do i would take a portion of the sale but hopefully sell more.

Not sure if i initially mentioned but this is a side project my main business so apologies if the responses are a little sporadic!

Thanks again and i'll be back in touch with updates! :)
Post 10 made on Wednesday December 2, 2015 at 05:02
Long Time Member
February 2011
I personally do all our UI's for our company, so I mainly buy an icon here and there to do what I need to do, but obviously there is a market for full templates as I see many people who want a template done for them to take the hassle away.

Look at noel at blackman customs he offers not only the ui template but also the full setup for nuvo, sonos, nest etc, so literally you just have to import the page and install the driver and your ready to roll.
The Future's Bright, The Future's Controllable.
Post 11 made on Monday December 7, 2015 at 08:40
Total Control Remotes
Super Member
July 2006
Noel (Blackman Signature Designs) and Mac (, set the standard for high quality work and amazing support. They are extremely generous and user-friendly people that I have had the pleasure of working with over the years. Follow their model and you will be fine.
Post 12 made on Thursday December 17, 2015 at 18:14
Advanced Member
May 2012
when apple went to ios 7 it was then I realized how much I had ridiculous amounts of white in user interfaces.
Post 13 made on Thursday December 17, 2015 at 18:14
Advanced Member
May 2012
when apple went to ios 7 it was then I realized how much I hate ridiculous amounts of white in user interfaces.
Post 14 made on Wednesday February 15, 2017 at 13:25
Super Member
May 2002
WHITE is not a good background color.
Drinking upstream from the herd since 1960

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