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upgrade to LED Display from plasma opinions
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Post 1 made on Friday November 28, 2014 at 17:51
Senior Member
December 2005
I've been limping along with an 7 year old 42" NEC XR4A plasma for too long. Image is dimming and think the power supply is about to go. Been a great display...

Want to jump to an LED in the 48" range (samsung 48h6350) as my 42" is slightly undersized for our cabinet but cant go any wider than 42.5 inches but I'm afraid of motion artifacts as i'm kind of a video nut.

any opinions would be appreciated...
feed a dog and he will not bite you. this is the principal difference between a man and a dog. Mark Twain
Post 2 made on Tuesday December 2, 2014 at 04:57
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
On an LED backlit LCD, the image will be brighter and almost certainly sharper and more colorful... but the blacks will suffer. As might the viewing angles.

Remember with LCD that the type of panel type will completely change its viewing characteristics. A Samsung will have some kind of VA panel, which will have better blacks, but poor viewing angles. An IPS panel will have poor blacks, but good viewing angles. It's all a compromise.

Although I'm highly sensitive to flicker and even differing decay times (ie. on my Pioneer plasma I can see the different decay times of the phosphors on a black and white image as a trail of green following bright white objects), I have *never* been bothered by any kind of LCD smearing, even on old panels. But all modern LCDs have ways to mitigate that anyways.

Too bad, you're about 0.5-1.0" too small for one of the 49" 4k panels.
OP | Post 3 made on Friday December 5, 2014 at 18:17
Senior Member
December 2005
Thanks Daniel. I actually dragged the wife to BB a couple nights ago and she was actually open to getting rid of the armoire we have and doing a wall mount of a much large display (hehehehe). Which means i have no place to house all my gear so I'll have to relocate it to the closet and buy a MA rack on casters with fans and RSH's and a perfed door...puff puff puff, whew, getting a little excited here.

back to the displays...

So say i had a $2k budget for the display, (size = anything between 55" and 65") what is the best performance for the money? GUessing 4k is the way to go even though content is currently limited?? Who makes the best performing displays these days. Blacks are important for me
feed a dog and he will not bite you. this is the principal difference between a man and a dog. Mark Twain
Post 4 made on Thursday February 18, 2016 at 21:04
Trunk-Slammer -Supreme
Loyal Member
November 2003
Just recently installed a Sony for a client, and a Vizo for another.

The Sony (XBR65X810C) blew the Vizio (M65-C1) away. Sony was $200.00 more, but the Sony was so much better it could have cost a lot more and it still would have been worth it.

I haven't seen anything else out there that I would mess with.
Post 5 made on Monday July 18, 2016 at 14:54
Long Time Member
January 2014
On February 18, 2016 at 21:04, Trunk-Slammer -Supreme said...
Just recently installed a Sony for a client, and a Vizo for another.

The Sony (XBR65X810C) blew the Vizio (M65-C1) away. Sony was $200.00 more, but the Sony was so much better it could have cost a lot more and it still would have been worth it.

I haven't seen anything else out there that I would mess with.

I agree, I am not impressed at all with the Vizio screens at all. I just picked up 8 Vizio M Series tv's (for my business because they were on sale (1) M80-C3, (1) M70-C3 (2) M65-C3 (1) M60-C3 (3) m55-c1) and the black levels are awful. I was at home updating the Vizio's and in the same room I had a 2008 Pioneer elite Plasma, the pioneer made the Vizio look like a $400 Walmart tv. The display on the Vizio just looked dull and milky and missing tons of detail that I could see on the Pioneer. The feed was exactly the same because it was running through a Hdmi matrix from the same cable box so that wasn't a factor.

I was even thinking that my family room could use a update from the Pioneer but not after seeing it next to one of the Vizio's.

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