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Crestron ongoing Xfinity X1 IR code navigation commands skipping issue
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Post 1 made on Friday June 3, 2022 at 20:15
Select Member
August 2004
Has anyone experienced this?

Navigation commands regularly skip (double, triple, sometime more...)

This can happen to number and channel commands at times as well.

I have written custom modules to gate the btton press durations, I have tried Crestron certified modules, regular IR modules, building my own IR library files, etc... COUNTLESS methodologies. I am fairly experienced with IR, building code strings, troubleshooting, etc... but this has been going on for years and it is crippling my business not having consitant control of THE MOST COMMON AV DEVICE in my region.

I would appreciate hearing about anyone's experiences good or bad.

Thanks... Cross posted in the Integrators Forum.
OP | Post 2 made on Tuesday January 31, 2023 at 12:09
Select Member
August 2004
Giving this a bump.

Some more detail...

Most of the issues are with the primary DVR and some models are worse than others.

Most of the small client boxes respond just fine.

The issue is not as bad when triggered from a TSR-310 remote or from the program directly.

The issue is consistantly bad when triggered from an RTI remote issuing Crestron trigger codes.

Adjusting the IR repeats and other available parameters in the driver does not help. Eliminating the ability to sustain d-pad commands helps.
Post 3 made on Wednesday February 1, 2023 at 08:49
Long Time Member
September 2009
Have you tried using a mos and setting to .1 sec?
OP | Post 4 made on Monday March 27, 2023 at 14:08
Select Member
August 2004
On February 1, 2023 at 08:49, gbrown91 said...
Have you tried using a mos and setting to .1 sec?


I have tried adjusting the Crestron IR driver for duration for all scenarios. Newer IR driver files are a tad improved especially when using a Crestron remote.

I have tried adjusting RTI trigger code durations. The RTI Crestron trigger codes do not have much adjustability. if you mess with most anything, it will not work at all. These are a particular issue with the double-tripple skipping plus the code issues will just keep stacking up and runaway.

Is anyone else seeing these issue with the Creston IR drivers (old school IR files, certified drivers, etc...)
Post 5 made on Monday March 27, 2023 at 16:35
Long Time Member
September 2009
running the commands through a multiple one shot (mos), set to .1 or .2 sec duration, seems to fix the issue when I have it. I only have one or two customers with Xfinity but I have had no complaints about duplicate commands.

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