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MX-990 not sending signals for some devices or sending signals "twice"
This thread has 5 replies. Displaying all posts.
Post 1 made on Friday June 10, 2022 at 16:37
Junior Member
June 2022
Hi, I just got my MX-990, I'm having some issues, first my Definitive Technologies Subwoofer, whish is the device list of the CCP, doesn't works at all, even if I try to learn the power code, doesn't works.

Another issue is with my Samsung TV, it works but the remote sends several signals at once, for example if I press the Volume Button+, I jumps the volume from 5 to 8 instead of increasing the volume 1 by 1, the same is happening with the directional keys.

Any help will be appreciated.


Last edited by enb141 on June 10, 2022 17:25.
Post 2 made on Saturday June 11, 2022 at 10:20
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
In the software, click on the button and look in your 'Macro' box.
Double click the IR command assigned to the button.
An 'IR Settings' box will popup.
Uncheck the 'Repeat while button is pressed'.
Change the 'Repeat' value to 1.
Click OK.
Do this for all the Samsung buttons, then test. Should solve that problem.

The subwoofer could be many things causing this. 1st, we need a whole lot more info: What model number of sub?
OP | Post 3 made on Saturday June 11, 2022 at 16:28
Junior Member
June 2022
Thank you very much, that fixed the issue with my Samsung TV.

The model of my Subwoofer is Definitive Technology SuperCube 4000
Post 4 made on Sunday June 12, 2022 at 16:46
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
That is an IR remote so let's look at potential issues.

Does the original remote work the sub correctly?

Make sure when learning codes to your remote, you follow these tips:
     a) Make sure to use 'new' batteries in the transmitting remote.
     b) Keep the remotes spaced between 6" to 12" apart. Make sure you have them facing the correct way.
     c) Make sure there are no stray light sources from fluorescent, sunlight, or other broadband light sources. This could include a laptop screen. If unsure, use a blanket to cover over the remotes when you learn (make sure not to block the area in-between the remotes).
     d) When learning, start with the push & hold method. Press the button for 2 full seconds that you want to learn. Next try feathering, rapidly tap the button while it's learning.

The software usually tells you when you have learned a good code. What does it say when you try to learn a code into the software?
OP | Post 5 made on Sunday June 12, 2022 at 20:14
Junior Member
June 2022
Thanks again, I tried what you said, with the exception of the battery, unfortunately my remote uses CR2025 batteries which I don't have right now to spare, and no luck :( that's weird because I was using my Harmony Hub to control my subwoofer with no problems.

Just an update regarding my Samsung tv, I had to set the repeat to 2 instead of 1 because when I had it set up to 1, I was missing some keypresses.
Post 6 made on Monday June 13, 2022 at 11:32
Junior Member
June 2022
tks for share

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