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Setting Up Sonos Speakers with CCP.
This thread has 4 replies. Displaying all posts.
Post 1 made on Sunday January 31, 2021 at 08:38
Regular Member
January 2021
I have been looking at programs from customer's remotes (MX-6000, 980, 990) that control Sonos speakers.

There appears to be no database selection for Sonos. What is the best practice for controlling them? Does one just learn the commands and create a dedicated node and button set?

I am looking to do it on a MX-880

Thanks in advance.
Post 2 made on Sunday January 31, 2021 at 11:33
Active Member
July 2008
Most Sonos speaker products don't have IR control. If you have a Connect or Port connected to a receiver, you could program your CCP macro to do a receiver input switch and volume punch-through to the receiver's volume control, assuming the Sonos unit is in fixed volume output mode. But you won't be able to control the Sonos speaker directly.

Discrete codes for a Playbar are here on this very site (these codes may also work with Arc, Amp & Beam). Those Sonos soundbar products are also capable of learning IR codes of your choosing for some of their functions.
OP | Post 3 made on Monday February 1, 2021 at 17:27
Regular Member
January 2021
Thanks for your response.
Post 4 made on Tuesday February 2, 2021 at 00:55
Super Member
May 2003
Sonos sound bars can be trained to respond to arbitrary Volume Up/Down/Mute IR commands. There is also an “Autoplay” function that will automatically switch play the input when the signal starts. Typically this works well, switching to TV audio as the TV is turned ON.

Newer bars will respond to CEC commands. Usually, CEC setup is automatic and the bar responds to TV Volume commands, however they arrive at the TV. In many cases the Bars can send numeric Volume confirmation back to the TV for display.
Post 5 made on Thursday April 22, 2021 at 00:37
Junior Member
April 2021
On January 31, 2021 at 08:38, shokwaverider said...
I have been looking at programs from customer's remotes (MX-6000, 980, 990) that control Sonos speakers.

There appears to be no database selection for Sonos. What is the best practice for controlling them? Does one just learn the commands and create a dedicated node and button set [Link:] ?

I am looking to do it on a MX-880

Thanks in advance.

Make sure the content you're listening to is in DD 5.1! You can check the Sonos app (settings/system/about my system - scroll down 'Audio In'). For example, I realised my Chromecast doesn't output 5.1 so I needed to use the TV apps instead.

Last edited by Mark457 on April 22, 2021 23:40.

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