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Just bought a MX-900. Don't care for it.
This thread has 31 replies. Displaying posts 31 through 32.
Post 31 made on Monday October 2, 2006 at 00:36
Gerald Koth
Founding Member
August 2001
All of my universal remotes of any brand have been activity based. It's in the macros.

And the flow chart is the programmers starting point for me.
Post 32 made on Monday October 2, 2006 at 01:01
Active Member
September 2006
*chuckles* good point.

Labels are good, but ultimately the best remote is the one you don't have to look at to use ... so I'm just pointing out there's a trade off here. Making the MX-900/950's easier for the first time user comes at a future cost.

The fact the MX-800 and MX-850 can cram rewind and fast forward next to the thumbpad because they just need to fit << and >> on the buttons is the most obvious compromise.

There's more to ergonomics then labelling things clearly, in the case of a remote, it has a lot to do with the position of the buttons, the shape of the buttons, and where they are relative to the other buttons.

Remotes where every button is the same in a rectangular grid are the pits.
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