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Alias hard buttons from soft buttons...or?
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Post 1 made on Thursday February 22, 2007 at 00:59
Long Time Member
December 2003
On the Pronto TSU3000, I had hidden graphicless pages that had all available commands for my devices and aliased everything from there in case I needed to change a code or better yet a whole device. Is that how most of you do it on the MX3000? Or do you program the one device's hard buttons to the device and punch through from there? Just wondering, this already makes me feel like an idiot. Though, it did take me a year to get a nice convenient UI setup on the Pronto and thanks to the gallery from the Gravity template I'm over half way there already. Now to finish the coding and transfer over the color DVD covers for the changer.

Oh, and off my own topic, but how long should the battery last when I'm learning and downloading? I've tried a few different versions of my file and within 30-40 minutes it was saying the battery was low.

Thank you
Post 2 made on Thursday February 22, 2007 at 11:51
Control Remotes
Super Member
August 2003
Punch through is the easiest way to do it, because you can always change it across multiple devices at once, rather than "hard code" each command to each button on each device.

A fully charged battery should last longer than 30 - 40 minutes.

Thank you,
Damon DG
= = = = = - Authorized Dealer & Remote Programming Services
Remote Programming Services for URC Remotes - 914-509-5360
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