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Macros - MX890 (Using Variables and IF)
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Post 1 made on Friday March 1, 2013 at 06:11
Long Time Member
February 2013
Not a pro and need help to setup Macros. I have following three activities setup.

1) WatchTV: Turn ON TV, Turn On Receiver, Change Receiver to HDMI1

2) WatchMovie: Turn ON Projector, Turn ON PS3, Turn ON Receiver, Change Receiver to HDMI2, Pull Down Screen

3) Laptop: Turn ON TV, Turn ON Receiver, Change Receiver to HDMI3

I am able to make these activities work Separately but not in sync together.

Example: When in "WatchMovie" and want to switch to "Laptop", I turn off "WatchMovie" and select "Laptop". Similarly When in "WatchMovie" and want to switch to "WatchTV", I turn off "WatchMovie" and select "WatchTV".

What I want to achieve is to change from "WatchMovie" to "WatchTV" OR "Laptop" and perform all the proper commands accordingly.

Please guide me in this simple setup and then I can build on Complex setup based on this.

I have MX-890 and it does not have a Push&Hold. I see "Variables" and "IF"

Please note that Projector, TV do not have a discrete power off

Last edited by tinsnow on March 1, 2013 06:32.
Post 2 made on Friday March 1, 2013 at 09:06
Founding Member
March 2002
You probably got a little more reading to do in the manual. I know there is no 890 manual but any of the other remotes that have variable and if/then/else commands will be the same for programming. Look at the 1200/5000/6000 manuals their variables are similar. You can do more complex things like track which input you are on if you don't have discrete commands for inputs or a work around.

The 890 does have push and hold, it is under IF. It works like this if press time is >= (how many seconds) THEN do this ELSE do that. Variables are the same way. IF you have this condition THEN do this ELSE do that. You'll see the options in the manual.
Post 3 made on Friday March 15, 2013 at 23:13
Long Time Member
May 2012
you need a system off macro. complexity of this depends on whether you have discrete on/off codes for all components.

once you have the system off macro, you can call it as the first step in each of the three activity commands.

however this is not how i would do it. because i like to leave all components on when switching inputs and only like to shut down the how system when i'm done for the day.

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