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"Above Average" Consumer - Need CCP Software
This thread has 87 replies. Displaying posts 1 through 15.
Post 1 made on Wednesday August 8, 2012 at 22:56
Lurking Member
August 2012
I'm sure this is a taboo question, but I am a consumer wanting to get my hands on the CCP software for personal use. I bought a whole HT system including MX-880 remote from an authorized local URC dealer. The retailer won't give up the software, and I foolishly didn't even think to ask if the universal remote came with software up front. I'm a programmer by trade, and interested in "tinkering" with the remote. I believe the remote has huge potential and don't want to pay $50 -100 an hour for trial-and-error while I poke around.

On a related note, I somewhat understanding URC not wanting to field a help desk for consumers, but why in the h*ll do they have this crazy policy to not share the code with legitimatly purchased remotes? Give me the software and charge for support if you want. It's like getting an ipad and having to go back to the apple store every time you want to add an app. I'm first upset at myself (never crossed my mind), then with my retailer for recommending this device that requires their resources to modify.

Please don't p**p on my post. If you don't want to help, then please just don't comment. I'm not looking to share broadly, and don't want your jobs. I am simply interested in learning on a device I legitimally purchased through an authorized local retailer.
Post 2 made on Wednesday August 8, 2012 at 22:59
Loyal Member
July 2007
Here we go again
OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday August 8, 2012 at 23:11
Lurking Member
August 2012
On August 8, 2012 at 22:59, goldenzrule said...
Here we go again

Seriously, not helpful. Just spent some time poking around the various forums and appreciate the local Barney Fife chiming in. Before you start parading the normal BS - I bought it from an AUTHORIZED URC dealer, paid FULL RETAIL and paid for the initial programming. I'm not bashing URC or their policy - had I known the policy, I may have chosen to buy something else. More than likely I would have asked the question and bought from another local retailer that shares the software. At well over $15K total bill, I feel the dealer should have told me every change required their assistance with this remote. I incorrectly assumed programming software would be included with a programmable remote. That was my fault for assuming. Then again, I didn't double check to see if the subwoofer came with a volume knob or required retailer adjustment - same with the receiver. Now that I've saved you from lecturing me, hopefully we can move forward.

Unless there is a rule banning this type of request, please just ignore my post if you don't approve.

If anyone is willing to help me out, please send a PM. I will keep it confidential.

Lastly, I'm not here just to ask for the software. I want to learn and contribute back to the forum.

Last edited by ez1putt on August 8, 2012 23:34.
Post 4 made on Thursday August 9, 2012 at 02:09
Loyal Member
June 2005
This Barney Fife recommends you contact URC directly via their telephone number. Have your serial number(s) and authorized retailer info available when you call. You may find that if it all checks out they will give you a copy.

There used to be a sticky on this forum about not coming here requesting's since been removed. I have a feeling URC has become more lax lately on their software policy. Several users have claimed to receive the programming suite direct from URC. Doesn't matter to me, as those are not our client base but what I'd like to see is that URC only fields tech support calls from authorized dealers. Basically if you get the software you're on your own.
Post 5 made on Thursday August 9, 2012 at 17:26
Active Member
October 2002
I did my research before I bought my remotes and got the software along with it (don't ask for a copy, I agreed to not give any out). You may be able to  talk URC into giving you a copy.  If not call up one of the outfits that sells URC and provides software.  You may be able to buy another remote at a very reasonable price and get the software along with it.

As for how difficult CCP is - I would not recommend trying to use it for non programmer types.  It is too obtuse.  If you have the programmer mind then it isn't too difficult to learn.  It doesn't have to be so confusing, but I doubt URC will rewrite it to make it logical.  

If you get the software and are willing to spend some time with it you can do pretty much anything the pros here can do.  You won't be as fast and you wont have the day to day familiarity when you add that new BR player/TV/etc a year from now, b ut it is doable.

My first experience was with a pair of MX-5000/MSC400 that I programmed so the remotes are interchangable and use a combination of IR,RS232,relays, and Wifi (control, WOL, etc).    I received some really good help here.  You just need to be sensitive to pros that are a little protective of their turf.
OP | Post 6 made on Thursday August 9, 2012 at 22:27
Lurking Member
August 2012
On August 9, 2012 at 17:26, BizarroTerl said...
I did my research before I bought my remotes and got the software along with it (don't ask for a copy, I agreed to not give any out). You may be able to  talk URC into giving you a copy.  If not call up one of the outfits that sells URC and provides software.  You may be able to buy another remote at a very reasonable price and get the software along with it.

As for how difficult CCP is - I would not recommend trying to use it for non programmer types.  It is too obtuse.  If you have the programmer mind then it isn't too difficult to learn.  It doesn't have to be so confusing, but I doubt URC will rewrite it to make it logical.  

If you get the software and are willing to spend some time with it you can do pretty much anything the pros here can do.  You won't be as fast and you wont have the day to day familiarity when you add that new BR player/TV/etc a year from now, b ut it is doable.

My first experience was with a pair of MX-5000/MSC400 that I programmed so the remotes are interchangable and use a combination of IR,RS232,relays, and Wifi (control, WOL, etc).    I received some really good help here.  You just need to be sensitive to pros that are a little protective of their turf.

Thanks for the response. Your points all make sense. I can appreciate the sensitivity (and skepticsm that someone can pick it up without specific training). I wouldn't even attempt it if I wasn't extremely confident I can learn it on my own. In the unlikely event I screw it up, I'll pay the original pros to reload the remote to original configuration. Thanks again for the helpful response.
OP | Post 7 made on Thursday August 9, 2012 at 23:04
Lurking Member
August 2012
I would love to hear from anyone on where the URC website details that software is not provided for the model MX-880 and only the authorized retailer can program it. I don't see it explicitly stated on the product page: [Link:]

There are a couple references in the user guide to highly recommending the programming by a trained installer. Good with that, but don't see it mandated. In fact, i don't see anything easily called out on the URC website that would indicate no software is included. Even more comical is the USA limited warranty for this model which states: "It is your responsibility to backup any macro programming, artwork, software or other materials that may have been programmed to your unit." How exactly am I supposed to do that without the software? Warranty also states any software is provided "as is", further implying it is indeed included.


I'm not sure what further research I could have done on their site that would have explicitly stated it is not provided with the purchase.

I'll call them in the morning for what I'm sure will be a humorous discussion.
OP | Post 8 made on Friday August 10, 2012 at 00:31
Lurking Member
August 2012
Found it myself....for the next person searching with an IT background-

The "key" is in this page. Think about looking "behind" an html page in 1995: [Link:]

Get the original zip dated 12/16/2009, install, then the program will update itself upon first launch.
Post 9 made on Sunday August 12, 2012 at 23:19
Long Time Member
December 2004
The retailer was responsible for giving you the software. You should really inform URC that they didn't provide it - they're supposed to, as paying retail and buying from an authorized dealer entitles you to it. The software is part of the package. Period. - Mira & Manta IR - Remote Control Your Apps
Post 10 made on Monday August 13, 2012 at 00:00
Select Member
September 2009
Wow. He's not joking. I sent an email to my rep. Hopefully others do the same. Or the thread is deleted.
Post 11 made on Monday August 13, 2012 at 10:07
Loyal Member
July 2007
On August 12, 2012 at 23:19, TwistedMelon said...
The retailer was responsible for giving you the software. You should really inform URC that they didn't provide it - they're supposed to, as paying retail and buying from an authorized dealer entitles you to it. The software is part of the package. Period.

This is incorrect. It is at the dealers discretion. It is not sold with the remote, not implied, and i believe used to state on their website that it is up to your dealer to decide. Not sure if it still does. I will say I think their site needs a lot of work and is not intuitive. It is hard for a consumer to find the information and can cause a lot of confusion.

Last edited by goldenzrule on August 13, 2012 10:14.
Post 12 made on Monday August 13, 2012 at 10:33
Active Member
May 2011
To all consumers that keep trying to get the software...How 'bout complaining as vigorously to the "company" you bought it from as you do on this forum. Maybe you'll get somewhere.

Forgive my skepticism but I've been doing this a long time. 98% of you are referring to unauthorized companies, eBay and Craigslist when you talk abut the "local authorized URC dealer".
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Post 13 made on Monday August 13, 2012 at 10:59
Long Time Member
December 2004
golden, I suggest you talk to URC about your theory, because from everything I've read over the years, including previous info directly from URC, you are incorrect. You need only casually glance at the manual accompanying the MX-980 and other remotes to note that URC specifically calls out that consumers may download the software directly from URC's site. There may no longer be direct links to the software on the current page revisions, but there is a responsibility on the part of URC to furnish the software if the dealer is unwilling to.

So maybe I should have been more clear. When purchasing the remote from an authorized dealer, the customer is 100% and absolutely entitled to the accompanying programming software (CCP in this case). The dealer should provide that to the customer or furnish them with a download link at URC for it. If they don't, then the customer should obtain the software directly from URC.

It's also plainly available on their site for anyone to download, along with older versions of stand-alone editors, simply not referenced from the download page(s) currently.

URC's web pages need work, but I'd suggest they spend their time/efforts on improving the product line. - Mira & Manta IR - Remote Control Your Apps
Post 14 made on Wednesday August 15, 2012 at 18:08
Long Time Member
April 2005
On August 10, 2012 at 00:31, ez1putt said...
Found it myself....for the next person searching with an IT background-

The "key" is in this page. Think about looking "behind" an html page in 1995: [Link:]

Get the original zip dated 12/16/2009, install, then the program will update itself upon first launch.

Thats hilarious.
Post 15 made on Wednesday August 15, 2012 at 19:07
Select Member
September 2009
Well that is all kinds of uncool. Can someone please delete this thread?
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