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Favorite Channels as devices?
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Post 1 made on Wednesday January 31, 2007 at 21:54
Trunk-Slammer -Supreme
Loyal Member
November 2003
Client suggested a scenarion that may/may not work. Looking for opinions.

The idea is to add a "device" that will be called FAVS.

Under FAVS the would be 6 "genre" choices.

1. Music

2. Toons

3. News

4. Locals

5. Movies

6. Sports

With each of these having a "go to" page (possible a new device) that would list the various favorite channels within.

I did warn the client about channel relocation, but client still thinks this is a good idea.....

It's definitely do-able, but do I want to do it.......?
Post 2 made on Wednesday January 31, 2007 at 22:13
Long Time Member
July 2006
I gave up on doing channel favorite macros long ago....... depends on if you want to take the time and multiple trips to figure out what favorites they want, and then to keep with channel changes, or have the customer understand that it'll be a service call charge each time you have to come out to add/delete/change a favorite.
Post 3 made on Wednesday January 31, 2007 at 23:38
Remote Monkey
Long Time Member
June 2005
I would give them an idea of the added programming cost and put the ball back in their court. Are they willing to pay for what they are asking you to do? If yes, then you should probably be willing to do what they ask you to (within reason, of course).

That's my 2 cents.

Remote Monkey
Post 4 made on Thursday February 1, 2007 at 01:02
Super Member
August 2006
I will do it if a client specifically and persistently asks for it, but I usually show them how to set up "favorites" lists on their satellite/cable receiver and they are more than happy with that. The nice thing, is you can create 4 or 5 templates (a couple for each provider), and use them over and you really only should have to do 80% of the work one time....but you can still charge for it....kind of nice. ;)
"When I eat, it is the food that is scared." - Ron Swanson
Post 5 made on Thursday February 1, 2007 at 07:47
Super Member
August 2004
we do this all the time. I have the customer go through their channels and email me their list of favorite channels no more than 50. I require that the list is given to me at least 48 hours before the install. I usually get hte favs programmed before I even go to the house. I will make the favs a deivce. then I do not make sub favs, like you mentioned above. I put in the 1st page all the local channels, 2nd page news channels, 3rd page sports channels, 4th page etc. And I try to orgaize them by the type of channel. I always make the +10 button, the "go back to cable and out of FAVs" button.

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish...
Post 6 made on Thursday February 1, 2007 at 08:38
Long Time Member
July 2006
On our "install sheets" I ask them what thier favs are. I give them 40 channel choices. I put them in. I make sure they work. I never receieved a call back. It's better to let them do the footwork, write it out themselves, and when I program it there is usually no issue. I think if you cover six genre there is not a lot of parity to what people like, but it depends on the age of the person and what the ages of the people are that are watching th set. Here are my catagories:

Kids & Family
Premium Movies
Movie Networks
News & Weather
Home & Entertainment
OP | Post 7 made on Thursday February 1, 2007 at 18:31
Trunk-Slammer -Supreme
Loyal Member
November 2003

Exactly what I was thinking with the "back" button.

And I will NOT have to make muiltple trips to do this for the client. We exchange emails on a regular basis. Good (Doctor) client. Mucho referrals.

And even if I do have to stop by for a system tweak now and then, it's been covered in advance.

This install is in a high end neighborhood where I have done most of the homes, and continue to do more as they are built. Easy to stop in for a quick tweak since I'm in the neighborhood on a very regular basis.

One neighborhood I did had 98 homes. I did the installs in 94. All referrals.

Give the client what the client needs as long as it's possible, and provide service above and beyond. That IS the key.

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