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Anyone have Photoshop Color Profile (.icc) for MX-3000?
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Post 1 made on Monday January 15, 2007 at 22:07
Mike Garzione
Founding Member
September 2001
I've noticed the colors vary slightly from my computer screen to the MX-3000 when I download custom graphics. Does anyone have a color profile I can load into Photoshop so I can use proof colors for the MX-3000 (or is there a color profile that's close)?

Post 2 made on Tuesday January 16, 2007 at 09:02
Long Time Member
January 2004
Anything is possible but I bet they just used sRGB standard and getting closer would be the job for manual profiling. It would be very tricky. Maybe you can take a color photo used in profiling your monitor, display it on the MX-3000 , take a digital photo and use that file to match the colors compared to doing the same for your monitor?

If you do find a way, let me know. That would be interesting...

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