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MX-900 Variables question
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Post 1 made on Sunday January 3, 2010 at 16:40
Long Time Member
June 2002
New to variables and have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I have a Denon 2310 reciever that has dynamic volume (Off, Day, Evening and Night settings). I'm trying to create buttons for Evening and Night (testing with those two..eventually will do all 4) where the macro will run to set the mode in the Denon menu. I have 2 variables created...Evening and Night. When pressing the evening button, I have the Variable=0 tab set to run the macro, then set Night variable to 0 and Evening variable to 1. Then on the Variable=1 tab, I have nothing since I don't want anything to happen. On the Night button, have the macro then sets Evening=0 and Night=1 on Variable=0 tab. Nothing on Variable=1 tab.

This doesn't seem to work for me...if I press Evening button, it'll run through the macro as expected. Then if I press it again, nothing happens which is good. But if I press it one more time, it runs the macro again. Shouldn't the variable stay at 1 and not run? Same thing happens with the Night button. Am I misunderstanding the logic of how variables work?

In case anyone software version is 1.10.130 without liveupdate. That's the latest version I can get off URC's website by registering my remote since the distributor I used is out of business. Can't find discrete codes for these settings in the db I have (ver 1.83).
Post 2 made on Sunday January 3, 2010 at 20:17
Long Time Member
July 2005
What does the macro do? Can you provide a screenshot?
OP | Post 3 made on Monday January 4, 2010 at 08:38
Long Time Member
June 2002
On the Denon there are 4 settings for "Dynamic Volume"...Off, Day, Evening and Midnight. The macro navigates the Denon menu to that setting and switches them. The screenshot is below...this is for the Evening button...when the Evening variable = 0 it runs through the steps to set the Denon to "Evening" then exits out and sets the variable Night = 0 and Evening = 1.  When the Evening variable=1 then it should do nothing.  If I press Evening button once, it runs thorugh the macro fine.  Press Evening button again, it does nothing (since evening variable=1) it a third time, it runs through the macro again as if the variable for evening is 0 again.  Why doesn't the variable stay at 1 for evening?



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