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More than one variable with MX3000
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Post 1 made on Monday December 11, 2006 at 03:16
Lurking Member
December 2006
Does anyone know how to apply different macros for different variables for the SAME button?

I have several dozen variables in my config and I need several buttons to behave differently for each variable AND their respective state.

In other words, I cant seem to apply different macros for EACH variable state for EACH variable I have setup in my config. The best way I can seem to describe this as follows:

When I set a macro sequence for any button with var_A state 0 it applies that same macro for var_B, var_C, var_+Z state 0 across the board....

It appears to be an ALL or nothing thing change and is dependent ONLY on state 0 or 1. It doesnt seem as though the macro is tied to the variable itself???

This seems like a very blatant problem and just cant be right but I cant find anything in the literature and every change I test leads me to this. I am hoping I am just not finding the answer and that its not "by design"

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Post 2 made on Monday December 11, 2006 at 06:07
Founding Member
March 2002
Alias a button that has a variable from within your macro. Then you can alias as many buttons as you need. ie. A button with a macro for TV Power, Audio Power, Aspect Ratio, surround mode, input, etc. Each of these buttons can be a macro and can be "nested" inside any other macro.

Post 3 made on Monday December 11, 2006 at 06:09
Long Time Member
December 2005
Create a hidden page and place those macro buttons there. Then use an aliased macro that can be controlled by a variable on a mane page. It is a nested macro. You can repeat as many times as needed but with other variables.
OP | Post 4 made on Monday December 11, 2006 at 11:28
Lurking Member
December 2006
The reason I am needing to use this is for several components that are the same in my system. I have a DVD stack of 4 Denons and depending on the DVD I initially choose I want the "Play" button to alias to the Device that outputs to the corresponding IR line output on my RF hub.

If I understand your recommendations correctly, I will end up with three "nested" buttons on a hidden page to systematically "walk a tree" of variables. My worst case scenario being that I have selected DVD_4 in the stack and my aliasing drills me down to my last variable controlled button which is aliased on state 1 to my fourth dvd device. If for example the button leads me to the last nested button and the state of that variable is "0" I need to have a prompt for the user to go back and select a DVD player right?

Please let me know if I understand it correctly. I appreciate all the help and quick response!
Post 5 made on Monday December 11, 2006 at 14:07
Long Time Member
December 2005
On December 11, 2006 at 11:28, jkinsd said...
The reason I am needing to use this is for several components
that are the same in my system. I have a DVD stack of
4 Denons and depending on the DVD I initially choose I
want the "Play" button to alias to the Device that outputs
to the corresponding IR line output on my RF hub.

If I understand your recommendations correctly, I will
end up with three "nested" buttons on a hidden page to
systematically "walk a tree" of variables. My worst case
scenario being that I have selected DVD_4 in the stack
and my aliasing drills me down to my last variable controlled
button which is aliased on state 1 to my fourth dvd device.
If for example the button leads me to the last nested
button and the state of that variable is "0" I need to
have a prompt for the user to go back and select a DVD
player right?

Please let me know if I understand it correctly. I appreciate
all the help and quick response!

It sounded as though you got it. That is until you said "prompts the user to go back". this all should be transparent to the user. The remote can track what device to execute play on by tracking a variable for what device you powered up or setup for use in that macro.

If you want the user to choose you could have a page that gives the user a choice. Like a page that comes up automatically as part of a setup macro. That page asks which DVD would you like to use DVD1, 2, 3, 4 then that selected DVD button would fire a macro to setup the selected device for use and dump the user to the page he needs for operating that task or device.

Hope that helps a little

PS: You have no contact information in you profile or I would send you an example. Go to my profile and get my E-mail address and send me a way to contact you so I can send an example of what I am talking about.

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