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Simple Mx-810 question...
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Post 1 made on Thursday April 24, 2008 at 18:20
ai limited
Long Time Member
November 2005
It seems simple enough... when I set up an activity to "Listen to Sat music" I want to have the remote take me to a sat radio channel. Simple enough right? How do I add the step to my macro? I thought I'd be able to pull the button off of the "favorites" list but it isn't available as an option... I get all of my activities in the drop down box but not the favorites. Sorry, I'm new at the 810 wizard, used to the old URC software...
Post 2 made on Thursday April 24, 2008 at 20:23
Advanced Member
October 2007
I'm assuming you want to have a page of channel logos, you need to have "Favorites" in the activity title. You can change the name from "Sat Favorites" to "Listen to Sat music" in the Browser. Select Browser, select the Activities button, select the Activity and rename in the button caption box.

If you need assistance in adding steps to a macro, those steps are as follows: When you are programming the activity, you select the source and the input. After you have done that, it brings you to a page titled "Reviewing [Macro Name]." It is screen SL034. There is a button to "Add a step." You can add steps from any buttons in any of the devices.

You can also add steps to a macro in "Tune Up." Select "Solve Automated Activity Problems," select your activity, then "Modify timing, order, or add a step." That screen is SL062.

As far as changing to a specific channel, after the component is selected and turned to the proper source, add a short delay and input the command to change the channel. If it's channel 48, have the remote execute 4,8, then enter.
OP | Post 3 made on Friday April 25, 2008 at 12:08
ai limited
Long Time Member
November 2005
Thanks dsp!

Actually, I already have a page of channel logos called "Favorites" in the activity list so I'm good there. I have a separate activity called "Listen to Sat Music" which is basically a duplicate of "Watch Sat TV" only it doesn't change the power status on the TV (leaves as is). I'm good with all of this with exception of having to clean up some of my graphics via the other thread about png's.

I'm trying to add a step to the "Listen to Sat Music" activity as you described on page SL034. I think your key statement is that I can add a step from any button in any "device". I was thinking I could add a step from an "activity" as well. If I remember correctly, the activities show up as options... all but the "Favorites" activity which is the one I was looking for.

Your final comment, having the remote execute 4,8,enter... I guess that's literally what I was trying to do. Are you suggesting that would be three steps added to the macro? or four if you add the delay first? I was probably just trying to be too elegant about it.

EDIT: Is this in fact the most elegant way to change the channel? 3-4 steps added to the macro?

Last edited by ai limited on April 25, 2008 13:37.
Post 4 made on Friday April 25, 2008 at 14:30
Advanced Member
October 2007
I wasn't sure if you wanted to create a "Listen to Sat" that enabled you to use the channel logos. You can use a favorite for whatever you want. See here: [Link:]

And yes, that is how you have to do it unless you have discrete hex to send to the component. There's really no other way to do it. When you create your favorites activity channel logos, the remote is simply sending "4,5,6,enter" to change the channel. The remote cannot create an IR command, it can only send what it knows.
OP | Post 5 made on Friday April 25, 2008 at 14:47
ai limited
Long Time Member
November 2005
Thanks, I'll try this tonight!

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