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Which Remote Should I Buy? Forum - View Post
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Post 1 made on Monday March 22, 2010 at 12:24
Super Member
July 2006
In an effort to diseminate advice that meet's the poster's needs, budget and ergonomic preference, please make sure your post indicates the following information:

- What is it that you are controlling? (Type of setup)

- What do you expect of this remote your asking about?

- Description of the ideal remote (graphical vs. text/all button), LCD with graphics and many hard buttons, coffee table style with graphics and limited hard buttons, combinations, etc. Be sure to take into account other people in your family or circle that will be using it as well.

- Hostile environment (little kids, messy/wet area, outdoors, etc) that would indicate a more "durable and tough" remote?

- Programming via PC, Wizard, or by hand?

- Would you consider hiring a professional integrator to program this remote for you with custom graphics (if applicable) or to your specifications?

- Discuss what you have now or what you like/dislike about types you have seen or came into contact with.

- What is your budget? (use a $ measure if you don't want to talk prices)
$ < $100
$$ $100 - $200
$$$ $200 - $300
$$$$ $300 - $500
$$$$$ $500 - $800
$$$$$$ $800+

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