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Post 6 made on Monday December 14, 2009 at 10:03
Lurking Member
December 2005
Those are looking like complete overkill though, I don't have a Lutron lighting system, don't need 802.11 wireless control of anything, just have components that I want to turn on/off, switch between, change channels, volume, etc. basic stuff. I always like the customization capabilities of the old Pronto that I have and ability to set up one button for my wife or kids to press to get what they want. Having the remote look like the TiVo buttons, etc. was always a nice effect too, but if it takes $1500 to do that these days then I'll pass, not worth that to me especially since I have no need for all these other items. It would seem that something like the Harmony 1100 would be a better fit for what I want?

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