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Post 53 made on Tuesday April 21, 2009 at 03:54
Lurking Member
April 2009
The issue is that when I tried running this model, the program crashed (could have a few things that are wrong with it since I have no experience with this stuff).

No wonder, that file is not in NEC2 80 column card format. It looks like it got corrupted somehow. What NEC modeling program did you try to load it into ?

lol, yeah, a bit big, but what do you want, it is a monster.
Do you want the quad bay version NEC file, he-he ?

not exactly, I was wondering what would happen if you had three GH antennas back to back to back, each of the three reflectors had their own drive element just pointed in a different direction (i.e. 120o from the other)
As long as you had a separate coax downlead from each of the three antennas into an A-B-C switch at the TV, a setup like that should be fine. (more distance between each of the antennas would be better) If you tried to connect all three antennas together into one downlead, then all the signals would pretty much try to cancel each other out, for one thing.

Last edited by 300ohm on April 21, 2009 04:09.
There is no news. There's the truth of the signal.They can't stop the signal, Mal. They can never
stop the signal. - Serenity.

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