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Post 2 made on Saturday December 16, 2006 at 23:38
Active Member
February 2004
It really isn't the best idea to copy commands and paste them to another device in the remote. You would be better served by creating power buttons for each device on your power page and creating a single step macro on each button that calls the power command from the original device.

I don't know if you're using RF or IR, but if you're using RF this is especially important so you can retain your IR routing settings. When you copy and paste a command it will inherit the routing of the new device it is pasted to.

Back to the original problem. I think you would be better served by creating macros on the power page that would use the power code from the actual device. When you do a power on macro or power off macro, reference the power commands from the actual devices instead of from the power page. Power pages are most useful for human interaction, if you want one place to access all power commands.

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