Your Universal Remote Control Center
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Post 1 made on Friday February 6, 2009 at 11:05
Greg Smalter
Lurking Member
February 2009
I'm very close to buying a URC R50 as my first real universal remote. My mother-in-law frequently gets devices out of sync when powering them on and our existing cable-company remote macro isn't cutting it. I really need discrete codes so that ON means ON and she can't get stuck in a loop where at least one device is always off because the power button just toggles things.

I've read some reviews on the R50 that concern me - people using some other remote control to get a discrete code and then having the R50 learn it. Is there no way to tell an R50 to use discrete commands without another remote? That seems like total BS for a high quality non-Radio Shack remote such as this.

Is this a bad choice for my only universal remote? Is there a similar remote that can be programmed to use discrete codes?


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