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Post 9 made on Saturday March 22, 2003 at 10:27
Long Time Member
March 2003
Regarding quality of the product - have you read the posts on this forum? My post did not indicate I was talking soley of PENG. I'm looking at the whole product. I have experience working on both poor and high quality software, so I can spot the difference. Thanks.

Ok, some people will excuse the poor quality. They'll also be very accepting of a first release being riddled with defects. The bug that is preventing me from getting a working macro is just dumb. It's as likely a design error as a programming error, but it's still an error.

This is NOT complex software. Programs like PENG have been written many times before - look at Visio as one example. While this is a new generation of remote for Philips, they've done this before. Do they forget everything? Do they know how to reuse existing, debugged code?

I'm not sending my 3000 back. I'm waiting on fixes and my desired PCF works >90% of the time. That doesn't mean I'm not going to point out sloppy programming. Keep praising buggy software and you'll keep getting buggy software.

Your concept of quality is obviously much lower than mine.

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