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Post 1 made on Wednesday April 25, 2007 at 20:29
Pronto Guy
Long Time Member
December 2003
I have the TSU3000 and a HR10-250 Directv TIVO receiver in my system. I have downloaded some pcf files here to upload for the HR10-250 to see how other people have set up there Pronto. When working with what others have done I find it cumbersome for me. I see that the satellite receiver/dvr is really two devices in one. Before I start doing too much work in Pronto Edit I wanted to ask this question of the people here that have more experience than I do. Has anyone set up their Satellite receiver/dvr as two devices in Pronto Edit? More specifically has anyone done it for the HR10-250?

Please feel free to make any comments as well. If you have any questions to clarify please make them.

Thank you

Last edited by Pronto Guy on April 25, 2007 23:17.

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