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Post 4 made on Wednesday November 3, 2004 at 16:14
Founding Member
October 2001
Thanks for the responses, I was afraid of that.

Goshdarnit - In answer to your question, the reason that I need multiple zones in a single room is that all components are located in one equipment closet. There are five cheap stereo receivers with A and B speaker outputs that control the 10 zones of audio in the house. This is a fairly economical way to achieve independent source and volume control throughout the house, but since they all use the same IR codes the IR output has to be routed to only one receiver at a time rather than blasting all of them.

I do realize that I could use multiple NetX's, but that would be cost prohibitive and sort of defeats the purpose of this setup.

Of course, if Phillips would actually open up the iPronto to allow the transmission of TCP/IP strings then I could use a Global Cache' interface and my problem would be solved. I can still do that with the iPronto via a PC and IR matching, but I was hoping to eliminate PC dependency from the chain.


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