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Post 2 made on Monday December 27, 2004 at 13:10
Long Time Member
February 2003
Hi. Panasonic by any chance?

The way I did this is I use aliases for every action. IE I have a device page for every individual component with all the commands for that component on it. Just a blank background with a screenful of plain buttons (I use the default one). Then those pages are never accessed directly. Every button on the pages I actually use to control things alias to the device buttons on the unused pages. So, for example, I have a "Projector Master" device and a "DVD Master" device. On my "Watch a DVD" page, I have buttons which simply link to the buttons on this page, so for "Projector Power" I then set it up for the following actions:-

[Projector Master] Power
Delay 0.1
[Projector Master] Power

The beauty of doing it this way is that if I ever replace my DVD player (for example) the IR codes for it are all in one place, so I can relearn them very quickly and the alias functions still work exactly the same way.

If this isn't well explained (a distinct possibility!) then you can download my icf from the file section (Alex Beattie's icf) and see what I mean. It's in the "Complete System Setup Files/System ICF Files" section of the iPronto file area. It's well worth looking through the files there and downloading a few to get ideas for your own icf file. And there are some excellent buttons to use as well. I personally found Phil Hodey's buttons to be absolutely superb (oo-er sounds a bit rude).

Good luck!


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