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Post 20 made on Tuesday November 6, 2007 at 09:00
Long Time Member
May 2003
I think I have created a monster.....

For some reason, certainly not by design, all of the radio stations I listen to are either 3 digits for AM or 4 digits for FM. I have exactly enough fields in sequencing to do what I need to do. However my wife listens to a couple of stations further up the FM dial that are 5 digits, what you think is 102.5 is 102.50. So for her stations, I do not have enough fields again.

As a husband I did what I am suppose to do. I showed the wife how creative and ingenious I am by saying, "Look honey at the remote, I have radio stations programmed it...." Which of course drew the wifely oohs, ahhhs, etc. She really likes the Harmony 880 by the way and actually does appreciate the work I put into it. She hit the FM activity, hit a few buttons, hit he AM activity, hit a few buttons (she is the one that listens to more AM than I as she is baseball and basketball fan). Then noticed "Where are xxx.xx and yyy.yy statiions dear?" Dang. Back to needing to program a macro. Needs to be two macros to finish this up. A .50 macro and a .90 macro. All the stations are either xxx.50 or yyy.90. Having a macro to do the last two digits will finish it up.

OR Logitech adding more fields of course!

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