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Post 5 made on Thursday March 13, 2008 at 11:24
Long Time Member
February 2008
On March 13, 2008 at 08:50, Ken Gillett said...
I confess to being a bit confused about this, hope someone
can help.

So, how can I apply those favourite channels to both my
Sky based activities? Do I simply have to set them up
again in each activity that needs them? In which case,
what does that checkbox do?

Many other people have been confused about just these problems.
Logi know about them but haven't done anything to put them right.

You can't apply favourites automatically to both; you have to set them up separately in each.
The checkbox does something totally different from what it says: it ensures that when you enter the activity the favourite channels appear on the screen first with a LCD button to replace them in the screen by commands, rather than the default of the other way around.

Last edited by hhatkin on March 16, 2008 12:57.

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