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Post 1 made on Tuesday December 3, 2002 at 07:59
Jeremy Hunter
Lurking Member
October 2002
Can anyone please help with the following issue:

I have recently installed a Panasonnic 42" Plasma and moved my DVD/Sky+/Amp etc to a seperate room next to the lounge. At the moment there is no door between the rooms and my Pronto controls all devices okay except for my Sony DBR930 amp. I will be installing a door soon.

I wish to install a small almost unnoticeable IR receiver in the lounge and go through the wall to a transmitter to control the units. The Xantech range is suggested on this site but suggests there may be a problem with Plasma TV's.

The distance from the plasma is 5 feet and I wondered if anyone knew if this would cause a problem. Also is the Xantech range the best to use? Does anyone know of any problems with the HotlinkPro unit? Or are there any other suggestions?

Any help would be appreciated as I want to buy a.s.a.p

Thank you

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