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Post 1 made on Friday May 30, 2003 at 07:44
Long Time Member
November 2002
1. Would any of you have a speaker system that
you would recommend that meets this criteria.
* <= $3000
* Exceptional Clarity w/out lack of bass
* The room size is 13X19 (TV on the 13' Wall)
* I am thinking of purchasing a Denon AVR5803
so, it would be nice if the setup was THX
Ultra or Ultra2

2. I found a product called SpitFire that allows you
to send IR signals via the pc and Visual Basic
using an external RS232 device using. I just
purchased a 15" LCD touch
screen and plan on developing my own system that to
me will be as good if not better than Crestron,AMX.
My question is both my receiver and HDTV have RS232
ports for external control and I was wondering if
there is a piece of hardware for the computer that
would hook up to both the pc and component and
allow me to have access to controlling/monitoring
the component via RS232? I are you confused yet?

3. If the ability to control via discrete codes was
number one priority what high end 7.1 THX receiver
would you recommend. It needs to have component
video switching and at least 120w per all 7

4. I know that Sony is pretty good about about
discrete codes, but just to make sure. Has anyone
programmed control of the new Sony DVP-CX875P
Progressive Scan DVD changer? If so, any problems?

Thanks In Advance

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