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Post 5 made on Saturday September 25, 2004 at 00:08
Founding Member
February 2002
On 09/25/04 03:33 ET, oex said...
Just cause the wire is white doesnt mean much.
On non gfi lines this works fine. if its a kb
track shack,

$250,000 piece of shit is what it wife wanted it WAY more than I!!!

the wiring may be BIZARRE.

Understatenment of the century right here...when the house was built (I'm second owner) they'd forgotten to PW it for LV (forgot on six home actually, all in a row) so they did the entire PW on the exterior of the home! I have fixed that...but got a discount because of it!

On the
unknown 3 wire. The white is terminated with
all the other neutrals?

Black is with the other

Does the 3 wire go down?

no...goes up
If so, trace it that
way although I'm sure you would have if it were
that easy. Remove the switch and tone on the
red and black. Is there attic above?

nope, second floor above

Trace it
that way. Being a gambler, I bet you'll find
the wire goes down to a junction for future basement

basement is fully wired for lights already, has six in place
The 3 wire is the feed (Black and white)
red is the switch leg. Is your basement steps
right there?

basement has single throw 3 way at top for stairs, then three way and another single pole for basement lights at bottom
Here's a thought. Take you voltage tester and
check EVERY outlet in your living room. Check
the TOP & BOTTOM. Could be a switch for half
of a receptacle. I'd bet on this too.

did this too...OEX, if you WERE a betting man in Vegas tonight, you'd be a broke one...this is just weird, although I DIDN'T check BOTH sides of EVERY outlet, so I'll do this right now!
"It might work better if it were plugged in and programmed first...just a thought!"

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